March, 2005

Recovering Time
In the February 23rd and the March 16th issues of the Point Lookout email newsletter, Rich Brenner and the staff at Chaco Canyon Consulting <> present two helpful pieces on “Recovering Time.” Given that all of us scramble to find more time for our work, I thought that I would share their ideas with you. […]

What I Know Now
As I was reading the current issue of Fast Company, I ran across a longer column reporting on a conversation with Joe Kraus on what he now knows. Kraus was a founder of Excite that in 1996 became one of the biggest tech IPOs ever. At 33 he is not starting Jotspot, a hosted Internet […]

Being Helpful – Graciously
I’ve attached another very helpful note authored by John Baldoni about how leaders can be helpful, graciously. I think that you will find the comments useful…………….jim ON LEADERSHIP COMMUNICATION Being Helpful — Graciously BY : John Baldoni 03/01/2005 Lessons in the management art that goes one step beyond. One of Franklin Roosevelt’s favorite things to do during […]