March, 2014
11 Expert Tips to Help You Be More Productive in 2014
Today’s reading, “11 Expert Tips to Help You Be More Productive in 2014”, is one of those pieces written for a specific time, early January 2014, which on second thought, are applicable at any time of the year. This essay by Kathleen Davis, Leadership Editor at, shares tips she has compiled from eleven super-productive […]

Four Keys to Thinking About the Future
The Tuesday Reading this week is “Four Keys to Thinking About the Future”, an essay by Jeffrey Gedmin that appeared on the Harvard Business School blogs. Gedmin is President and CEO of the Legatum Institute in London. Prior to joining the Legatum Institute in 2011, he spent four years as President and CEO of Radio […]
How Do You Know You are Coaching?
Several people have asked me recently – how do you know you are coaching and not just having a conversation or giving someone advice? So I thought I’d share this list of Coaching Indicators. Enjoy! You know you are coaching if the other person says: “That was a great question”. “I never thought of that before”. […]

Increase Your Team’s Curiosity
Today’s Tuesday Reading is “Increase Your Team’s Curiosity” by Roger Schwarz, CEO of Roger Schwartz and Associates. The essay appeared in the Harvard Business School blogs. Schwarz suggests that at your next team meeting you track how many times you make a statement and the number of times you ask a question soliciting the views of […]

Strategy Without Execution Is Hallucination!
The Tuesday Reading today, “Strategy Without Execution Is Hallucination!” has a title that comes from a presentation to a McGill MBA class by Mike Roach, the CEO of CGI, a 31,000 person IT firm. The essay first appeared in Karl Moore’s Forbes column on Leadership. The author is Rebecca Black, a McGill graduate and now a […]