May, 2014

The Dangers of Denial
This week’s Tuesday Reading is The Dangers of Denial, an essay by Ron Ashkenas, managing partner of Schaffer Consulting and co-author of The GE Work-Out and The Boundaryless Organization. The essay first appeared as a posting on the HBR Blog Network.Ashkenas notes that great leaders tell it like it is, focusing on reality no matter how […]

4 Habits of the Most Resilient People
Today’s Tuesday Reading is “4 Habits of the Most Resilient People” and is an excerpt from Ready to be a Thought Leader? by Denise Brosseau. Brosseau is founder and CEO of Thought Leadership Lab. She has an MBA from Stanford and in 2012 she has honored by the White House as a “Champion of Change.” It’s a […]

Overcome the Eight Barriers to Confidence
Today’s Tuesday Reading turns to the subject of confidence by considering Professor Rosabeth Moss Kanter’s essay “Overcome the Eight Barriers to Confidence”. Professor Kanter is Ernest L. Arbuckle Professor at the Harvard Business School and the author of Confidence: How Winning Streaks and Losing Streaks Begin and End. Kanter notes that to be a more confident […]

The Best of TED: 5 Public Speaking Lessons from 30 Years of Spreading Ideas
Today’s reading, “The Best of TED” is a story that appeared in a March issue of FastCompany. It’s based on research by Carmine Gallo who analyzed 500 of the most popular TED talks to identify what makes a TED talk great. Gallo is a technology writer and author of Talk Like TED: The 9 Public-Speaking Secrets […]