October, 2014

Creating a Pocket of Greatness
Last summer, for a leadership reflection, John Shutt, Instructional Media Coordinator at Michigan State University, pointed his colleagues in their leadership program, to a short audio clip of Jim Collins’ discussion of “Creating a Pocket of Greatness.” Collins is a noted leadership author known for his books Good to Great and Level 5 Leadership. The central focus of […]

3 Underappreciated IT Leadership Skills?
The Tuesday Reading today is “3 Underappreciated IT Leadership Skills?”, a commentary appearing this past July in Information Week. The essay’s authors are Whitney Hischier and Rajiv Ball, lecturers at the UC Berkeley Haas School of Business where they teach the Business Leadership for IT Professionals program. Ball and Hischier note that today’s world is far […]

Leadership is a Contact Sport
Today’s Tuesday Reading is actually a Marshall Goldsmith video “Leadership is a Contact Sport”. In this video Goldsmith teaches a very straightforward model for development as a leader or as a team member. It has eight steps: 1. Ask. Create a habit of asking people important questions – how could I have done a […]

My Workable Combination of Tools to Strategically Plan and Manage My Tasks
Today’s Tuesday Reading is a reflection written for his cohort by James Lewis, Academic Technology Support Infrastructure Manager, College of Liberal Arts, University of Texas, Austin and a recent IT Leaders Program alum. While preparing to write this leadership reflection, I initially thought I would focus on the challenges of creating networks for those of […]