January, 2015

Your Calendar
We began the Tuesday Readings for 2015 with a focus on being intentional, and followed that with an essay on practices and then, last week, on the art of saying “no.” Today we want to take a next step and turn to your calendar and being intentional about it. It’s been noted that you have a […]

The Art of Saying "No"
Almost everyone I run into bemoans their busyness, the large number of To Do’s that are in front of them, and the seeming inability to make headway in reducing the length of the list. Author and consultant David Allen suggests that the typical mid-level manager, at any one time, spanning all aspects of his or […]

Is 66 the New 21?
Today’s Tuesday Reading is an essay by Jim Dezieck, Leadership Coach at MOR Associates. In the essay, Jim focuses on developing new practices. As I indicated in last week’s Tuesday Reading, building new practices is one step in becoming more intentional. Everywhere in our work at MOR we promote practical action, through practices, as the […]

New Year's Resolutions
Happy New Year! At the beginning of each new year, many individuals, particularly Americans, develop New Year’s Resolutions for themselves. Doing this is neither new nor all that unique. Babylonians made resolutions 2500 years ago, and since then, everyone has followed. About 45% [1] of all Americans will make resolutions this year – typically to […]