November, 2015

Giving Thanks, Expressing Gratitude
This week we celebrate Thanksgiving Day, traditionally a day of giving thanks for the harvest (that provides our food) and for the preceding year. History and tradition suggest that this celebration goes back in the United States at least to a 1621 feast in the Plymouth Colony celebrating a good harvest in the Colony’s first […]
Power of Coaching – A Personal Reflective Journey
I would like to share my personal reflective journey to date, from the beginning. I was invited to attend the MOR Advanced Leadership Program by my CIO at the beginning of the summer. As one of the newest members of the OIT management/leadership team I immediately had two scenarios go through my mind. I haven’t been […]
The Unicorn Meeting – A Reflection on a Leadership Topic
My take on an application of a topic from our first session. The Unicorn Meeting Throughout my professional career I’ve always wondered when I would catch a glimpse of the elusive Unicorn Meeting (the one ran with reason, direction, poise and purpose that you can only hope to walk into). Perhaps I would be the […]

We all attend too many meetings. Some are initiated by others and we attend to contribute. And some are our meetings, designed to further our team’s work. Some of them are productive and some are not. And, everyone I’ve talked to yearns for fewer of them. This week’s Tuesday Reading is drawn from Amy Gallo’s essay […]

I Sit Too Much
Today’s Tuesday Reading, I Sit Too Much, should actually be titled “I Sit Too Much and So Do You.” Researchers agree that we all sit far too much, about 10 hours per day – hours at the desk, focused on the computer screen, reading and writing emails, working on reports, eating lunch, in meetings, in […]

It’s A Bad Day Today
Who hasn’t had one? No milk for the cereal. A tanker truck cut you off as you were driving to work. Joe wasn’t prepared for the meeting. Sam’s presentation wasn’t aligned to the audience. Stuff happens, and it usually leads to a foul mood. And, as I’ve been told many times, you have to learn […]