January, 2016
Reflecting On What Is Working
Monday, January 25, 2016. I hope everyone had a good weekend. I, like the rest of the Maryland cohort, spent a good part of the weekend shoveling snow and digging out from the ~30 inches of snow that fell from late Friday and most of Saturday. And then digging out again once the wind had settled down and the […]

Being Accountable
Being accountable is your ticket to earning the right to hold others accountable. –– Dan McCarthy In the course of our work, we develop strategies, we make plans, and assign or delegate the resulting tasks to teams (usually, through their team lead) or to individuals. As we do this, we start the process […]

Let’s Talk…
…face-to-face. Amy Cuddy, Associate Professor of Business Administration at the Harvard Business School and author of Presence: Bringing Your Boldest Self to Your Biggest Challenges, recently wrote that there are lots of reasons to put your smartphones down – constantly checking and then responding to them takes us out of the present moment disrupting whatever you are focusing on: for […]
A Mind is a Terrible Thing to Waste
A mind is a terrible thing to waste. Before I started the leadership journey, I was doing a lot of just that. Wasting a lot of my time and mind focusing on the immediate, the unimportant, the routine tasks that certainly were not going to make a significant difference in creating, influencing, or advancing the […]

I Met A Leader Today
Today’s Tuesday Reading, I Met A Leader Today, is an essay by Mary Fuller, originally written as a reflection early in the University of Nebraska on-campus leaders program. Mary is a member of the Data Warehouse Team of the University of Nebraska Computing Services Network. I left our first 2-day session of the MOR Leaders […]
New Leader = Sum of (4 I’s + 4 E’s + 5 P’s + 3 Lenses + 4 A’s + 4 S’s + Spheres of Influence)
After graduation in August I was armed with a binder full of new ideas, concepts, practices and formulas on how to be an effective leader. I found it easy to be intentional during the program which was fueled by my own enthusiasm and frequent and very useful check-ins from my coaches. New actions and practices […]
We Are Our Own Best Teachers
Greetings, It’s a new year, a time of New Year’s resolutions which typically align with health and wellness. We are coming off several weeks with family and friends which are blessed times and also times of higher stress levels. As we begin to wrap up our first week of 2016, the Tuesday reading from November 3rd came to […]
At the end of October, I returned to my alma mater, Earlham College, for homecoming festivities, Alumni Council meetings, and related events. What really struck me about the extended weekend was how the theme of “connections” was constantly evident. On Thursday evening, dozens of alumni met with students in a networking session. Alumni who attend consistently […]
Shepherding Potential
I am constantly looking for new leadership lessons. When I am a student or trainee, I observe how the instructor structures the class, presents information, and keeps the room engaged. As a sports fan, I pay attention to how a coach organizes the team, creates energy toward a shared goal, and adapts to change. Over […]

1/1/2016 : Before and After
What did I do and learn? What do I plan to do? A few days ago, we turned over the last page of our 2015 calendars to find the first day of 2016. And, for many of us, soon after our New Year’s celebrations were over, we began to think about our resolutions for 2016. […]