July, 2016

Neuroscience and Change – Part 2
SCARF :: Status, Certainty, Autonomy, Relatedness, Fairness In last week’s Tuesday Reading, we introduced the concept that our brains have developed in such a way that we are extremely sensitive to threats from change and ambiguity. We noted how our brains are constantly scanning our environment to detect such threats at a rapid rate. We […]

Neuroscience and Change – Part 1
Earlier this summer, on June 14, MOR Associates hosted a virtual conference focused on the theme Reimagining IT as University Needs and Technology Evolves. There we heard from five university CIOs about the changes underway at their universities. [Their remarks can be found here.] Two weeks ago, in the Tuesday Reading Revolutionary Relationships, I asked, as we did […]

“Plusing Up” and the Princess Doll
Today’s Tuesday Reading, “Plusing Up” and the Princess Doll, is an essay by Jerry Wood, Director of Information Technology, for Intercollegiate Athletics at the University of Michigan. The essay first appeared as a program reflection earlier this year. One of my biggest professional passions is providing great customer service. I think it’s an art […]

Revolutionary Relationships
Yesterday was the 240th anniversary of the adoption of the Declaration of Independence by the Second Continental Congress meeting at Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. This document announced that the thirteen American colonies, then at war with the Kingdom of Great Britain, regarded themselves as thirteen newly independent sovereign states, no longer under British rule, and instead in a […]