January, 2017

The Ingredients of Great Leadership
Today’s Tuesday Reading is Nancy Koehn’s Whiteboard Session, The Ingredients of Great Leadership (a 4 minute video). Professor Koehn, a historian, is the James E. Robinson Chair of Business Administration at the Harvard Business School. She is a prolific writer currently writing about lessons from the leadership journeys of a group of leaders including Abraham Lincoln and […]

Those Elusive “Aha!” Moments
Everyone of us, at one time or another, has had “Aha!” moments. Times when all of a sudden, typically when we are not working on it, the solution to a major issue we are struggling to address floats, as if by magic, through our minds. Aha! Cognitive neuroscience provides some insight into what is […]

Today’s Tuesday Reading, Mastery, is an essay by Josh Lawrence, Manager of Technical Services at Washington University in St. Louis. The essay first appeared as a program reflection last year. When I returned from my first MOR workshop, my mind was buzzing with concepts and tools. My excitement was quickly overshadowed by the usual, day-to-day work […]

I Resolve To …
Resolutions. Along with the arrival of the New Year come New Year’s Resolutions. This is neither new nor all that unique. Babylonians made New Year’s Resolutions 2500 years ago. And, since then everyone has followed. In a typical year about 40% of all Americans make resolutions to improve themselves in some way. Popular past […]