July, 2017

Our Busy, Busy, Busy Brains!
My two grandfathers lived in a very small East Texas town, perhaps several hundred houses in town and the neighboring countryside. One grandfather was a railroad section foreman, the other a subsistence farmer. Both worked hard with their hands. While they certainly used their brains in their work, the demand they placed on their brains […]

It Began with Curiosity
Today’s Tuesday Reading, It Began with Curiosity, is an essay by Jill Purdy, Director of Finance at the University of Nebraska-Kearney. [She may be reached at [email protected].]Her essay first appeared as a program reflection earlier this year. When my father had a heart attack five years ago, he was flown to Sanford Heart Institute in Sioux […]

I Resolve to …… YES, Again
Six months ago, at the beginning of the New Year, the first Tuesday Reading, I Resolve To …, focused on New Year’s Resolutions. This has been my custom. In that essay, I referenced research reporting that though 57% of the individuals surveyed were confident that they would be successful in achieving their goals, only 12% actually […]