April, 2018

… it’s really not an option Reflection is about “careful thought.” Jennifer Porter, leadership and team development coach, says that “the kind of reflection that is really valuable to leaders is more nuanced than just ‘careful thought’.” The most useful reflection involves the conscious considerations and analysis of beliefs and actions for the purpose of learning.” […]

Train Your Brain
. . . to help you avoid your biases Today’s Tuesday Reading turns again to focus on another aspect of bias, how to keep our minds from falling for bad advice. In the March 6, 2018 Tuesday Reading Biases, we noted that an individual’s personal cognitive biases can be helpful and adaptive, and also that they may […]

Making a Break . . .
. . . Between Work and the Rest of Your Life Many of us have a difficult time of putting down our work to turn to the rest of our lives – time with family and friends, attending sports or other activities our children participate in, taking a walk in the woods, … It’s a […]

YOU and Your Smartphone
Today, in the United States some four out of every five individuals age 5 and older have some type of cell phone. And, most of these have sufficient functionality to be called smartphones. This is in stark contrast to the time when I was growing up in a small rural southeast Texas town. Then and […]