January, 2020

What's Next
What’s Next? [Today’s Tuesday Reading is from Jim Bruce, Senior Fellow and Executive Coach at MOR Associates. He previously was Professor of Electrical Engineering, and Vice President for Information Systems and CIO at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA.] Thank you, Brian for your kind words in last week’s Tuesday Reading.1 I remember […]

Transitioning as a Leader – Jim Bruce's Next Stage
[Today’s Tuesday Reading, is written by Brian McDonald, President of MOR Associates.] For the last fifteen years Jim Bruce has been endeavoring to share his wisdom and insights from across the leadership landscape with all of us through these Tuesday Readings. It has been a terrific way for Jim to read, reflect and synthesize the […]

To Run is to Risk Failure
[Today’s Tuesday Reading is by Mike Sullivan, MOR Associates Program Leader and Leadership Coach. Mike is also an avid ultra-marathon runner. Mike may be reached at [email protected]] To Run is to Risk Failure You’re reassessing and setting new goals for the year. Will these goals reveal what’s truly possible for you? MOR Associates is […]

I Resolve …
An early 20th-century New Year’s resolution postcard1 put it this way: Your New Year’s Resolution Resolve to renew all your old resolves. And add a few that are new. Resolve to keep them as long as you can. What more can a poor man do. People have been making “resolves” or resolutions, promises, commitments, plans, pledges, aspirations, aims, designs, etc. […]