July, 2020

Ubuntu and cooperative advantage
Ubuntu and cooperative advantage [Today’s Tuesday Reading is by Dr. David Sweetman, MOR Associates Leadership Coach and Consultant. David may be reached at [email protected].] In the face of the increased uncertainties and decreased resources, it is common that we rely on our past experience to help us solve new problems. Today we are intending […]
Alumni Reflections on valuing the gifts of others
[Today’s Tuesday Reading is by Dr. David Sweetman, MOR Associates Leadership Coach and Consultant. David may be reached at [email protected].] Given the positive feedback we received from our Tuesday Reading a few weeks ago that featured the perspectives of multiple MOR alums, we plan to include that style as part of our ongoing program […]
Can I offer you some feedback?
[This reading is from Dr. Julie A. Traxler, Associate Dean for the School of Environmental and Biological Sciences at Rutgers University. She is a recent MOR program alum. Julie may be reached at [email protected].] During our MOR sessions, I could see us collectively cringe, but we began slowly to get more comfortable (or maybe a […]
Leaders – Pause and Reflect
[This reading is from Vania McBean, Assistant Director of Information Technology for University Recreation and Wellness at the University of Maryland – College Park. She is a recent MOR program alum. Vania may be reached at [email protected].] From time to time, as leaders we have to stop and press the pause button. MOR practice requirements […]
Never waste a good crisis!
Never waste a good crisis! [This reading is from Evelyn F. Griffith, Assistant Director of Data Management at Michigan State University. She is a recent MOR program alum. Evelyn may be reached at [email protected].] What a time to write a reflection! There are so many valuable lessons that we gain from participating in MOR. However, […]

Humble Leadership
Humble Leadership [Today’s Tuesday Reading is by Dr. David Sweetman, MOR Associates Leadership Coach and Consultant. David may be reached at [email protected].] As I think about our Tuesday Reading topics over the past month, a theme that comes to mind is humility. Whether it is working through the fast-paced changes as we have had […]

Practices – Persistence – Evolution
[Today’s Tuesday Reading is from Sean McDonald, Vice-President of MOR Associates with contributions from Firmin Charlot, Identity Management Officer, and Nicholas Oas, Head of Security Operation, both at Michigan State University. They may be reached at [email protected], [email protected], or [email protected].] Over the course of the past six weeks I have consumed numerous resources and […]