October, 2020

Alumni Reflections on leading change in changing times
[Today’s Tuesday Reading is by Dr. David Sweetman, MOR Associates Leadership Coach and Consultant. David may be reached at [email protected].] I hope you are finding ways to enjoy the natural beauty of our autumn season. With all that is going on in the world today, it can sometimes be hard for us to pause […]

Three Quality Improvement Tips for Organizational Change
[This reading is from Michael Layde with the Division of Information Technology at University of Wisconsin – Madison. He is an alum of the Big Ten Academic Alliance (BTAA) MOR Leaders Program. Mike may be reached at [email protected].] My MOR leadership journey has got me thinking back to one of the best pieces of advice […]

Change, Change, Change
[This reading is from Aaron Maternowski, Database Administrator, University of Wisconsin-Green Bay. He is a MOR program alum. Aaron may be reached at [email protected].] When I think back on my leadership journey, the main point that floats to the top is change. One of the first articles I read for my first MOR workshop […]

Know Thyself: The Fourth Way
[This reading is from Robert Douglas, DevOps Engineer at the Cornell University Library. He is an alum of the MOR Cornell IT Leaders Program. Robbie may be reached at [email protected].][Editorial Note: an earlier version of this reflection was written as a program reflection at the beginning of 2020, pre-COVID. However, still a timely and relevant […]

Lessons from My Leadership Journey: Better Late Than Never, Practices I Wish I’d Adopted Sooner
[Today’s Tuesday Reading is from Bill Hogue, MOR Associates Leadership Coach, Former CIO at University of South Carolina. Bill may be reached at [email protected].] I’ve said more than once that I’d have been a better CIO if I had participated in a MOR leadership program along the way. I’ve had plenty of experience in […]

Managing Stress is Within Your Control
[Today’s Tuesday Reading is from Lori Green, Program Leader and Leadership Coach at MOR Associates. Lori may be reached at [email protected].] As a leadership coach I have witnessed the stress levels of IT professionals increase in the past year due to adapting to changes, such as remote work, preparing campus for fall instruction, teaching their […]