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MOR Associates


Advice from 2024 Commencement Speeches

It’s graduation time. I’ve “mined” graduation speeches for “golden nuggets” as we each take stock of where we are on our own journey.

Initiate, Inquire, Invest, and Influence

Intentional relationship building is a cornerstone of effective leadership. You can make meaningful strides by integrating the 4 I’s in your routine.

Now What? – Don’t Confuse the Menu for the Meal

Here are some organizational practices that could encourage focusing on the meal (results) rather than getting stuck on the menu (processes).

Know Your Strengths and Maximize Your Impact

Focusing on existing strengths allows individuals to build on what they already do well, boosting confidence and motivation.

Five Lessons from the Flying V

I am fascinated with geese in their “Flying V” formation and how they manage to create such a flawless shape.

So What?

So what? – A simple phrase, yet it can convey many meanings. It also serves as an invitation for deeper investigation.

A Common Toolset Connects Leaders & Enhances Collaboration

MOR common constructs are instrumental in building leadership capabilities to enhance working through issues and addressing initiatives together.

Common Language Promotes Collaboration

When they encounter each other, they can quickly communicate and connect based on a shared MOR experience and the resulting language.

Putting Psychological Safety Into Leadership Context

Psychological safety is where people can brainstorm, voice half-finished thoughts, openly challenge, share feedback, and work through disagreements.

You Can Say NO

While you don’t want to be known as a “no” person, you do want to be seen as a team player. That makes the situation difficult.