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Latent Learning: You Know More Than You Know

Latent Learning: You Know More Than You Know

[Today’s Tuesday Reading is from Jim Dezieck and David Sweetman. They may be reached at [email protected] and [email protected] or via LinkedIn, Jim and David.]   ‘Whoa!’   Jackie looked out on the setting campus sun feeling a huge burden had just been lifted, a smile on her face. Weeks of tension had just evaporated in […]
I Am Talking To You

I Am Talking To You

[Today’s Tuesday Reading is from Steve Martino, Customer Success Manager at Cohesity.  He is a MOR alum.  Steve may be reached at [email protected].]     There were messages early in my life that held me back from reaching my potential personally and in my career.   From my mom: “Why are you stressing yourself out […]


Believe [Today’s Tuesday Reading is written in remembrance of Rick Fredericks and is written by Sean McDonald, Vice-President of MOR Associates. Sean may be reached at [email protected].  Editorial Note: This is the last Tuesday Reading of 2021.  The next Tuesday Reading will be in January.]   It is a great time of year for believing. Believing is […]

On Mentoring

[Today’s Tuesday Reading is from Susan Foster, IT Business Manager at Bowdoin College. She is a current MOR program participant.  Susan may be reached at [email protected].]   In reflecting about coaching and mentoring recently, I walked through my career experience recollecting which experience was momentous. Was there one that made me realize I was in a […]

How Much Untapped Potential Do People Have?

[Today’s Tuesday Reading is from Brian McDonald, President of MOR Associates.  Brian may be reached at [email protected].] How much potential do people have and how can we encourage or engage them to explore the answer to this question?   The same question applies to each of us as well. How much potential do you have […]

3 Personal Insights from the MOR Leadership Program

[Today’s Tuesday Reading is from Garrett King, Director of Identity & Access Management at Carnegie Mellon University.  He is a MOR alum.  Garrett may be reached at [email protected].]   Looking back over my MOR experience, I wanted to share a few moments of insight (lightbulb moments) that I had over the course of the MOR […]

Working in a leadership incubator – don’t waste the opportunity

Working in a leadership incubator – don’t waste the opportunity [Today’s Tuesday Reading is from Justin Sipher, Program Leader, Leadership Coach and Consultant at MOR Associates.  Justin may be reached at [email protected].]   This past spring and summer 2020 was a powerful and complex time for participants in our various MOR leadership programs.  Like your […]

Confidence, self-defeat, and the circus

[Today’s Tuesday Reading is by Dr. David Sweetman, MOR Associates Leadership Coach and Consultant.  David may be reached at [email protected].] In my experience coaching, teaching, and leading, one of the greatest limits to our potential are self-defeating assumptions.  In the words of the great automotive pioneer Henry Ford, Whether you think you can, or you think you can’t–you’re […]

What's Next

What’s Next? [Today’s Tuesday Reading is from Jim Bruce, Senior Fellow and Executive Coach at MOR Associates.  He previously was Professor of Electrical Engineering, and Vice President for Information Systems and CIO at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA.]   Thank you, Brian for your kind words in last week’s Tuesday Reading.1 I remember […]

Just How Does One Listen?

“Humble listening” is among the top four characteristics of leader.1  —  Jeff Immelt, Former Chairman and CEO, GE.  “If there is any one secret of success, it lies in the ability to get the other person’s point of view and see things from that person’s angle as well as from your own.”2,3     —   Henry Ford.  “To […]

Feedback? Or Advice?

… Which do I need?   I’ve been working on a rollout plan for a new major application. And, before I present that plan to the clients, I need to give the presentation a test run. I can ask my test audience to give me feedback or I could ask them for advice. What do […]

Becoming Influential

Leaders must be men and women who influence others to enable them to become more effective. In her essay Five Principles to Follow If You Want to Influence Others,1 Amy Glass, writes “No matter your role, influence is key to solving problems and making things happen. … [T]his means persuading people to help you affect change, […]

Why Should We Ask Questions?

Kids ask questions in order to learn about the world in which they live. And, sometimes they will answer their own question to show-off what they know – for example, my great-granddaughter holding out a stuffed rabbit and saying “rabbit” – and sometimes they want you to tell them. As they grow older, their questions […]

Pete the Cat

Today’s Tuesday Reading is an essay by Frances Haies, Assistant Director, Office of Information Technology, Project Management Office, Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey. Her essay first appeared as a leaders program reflection last fall. [Frances may be reached at <[email protected]>.]     Since I haven’t had much opportunity to step out of my comfort […]

Advice to Sponsors and Managers of MOR Program Participants

When participants come back from MOR workshops they are brimming with energy and excitement, raring to put new skills and ideas into action, but they come back to the same places they left, where often little has changed—except maybe their to-do lists, which have grown. While it is ultimately each participant’s responsibility to claim ownership […]

plus • sing

… a technique that allows people to iterate on ideas without using harsh or judgmental language. While used typically in teams and on the ideas of others, plussing works equally well on one’s own ideas – when one’s self critic can be particularly vocal. You may never have previously encountered the word “plussing.” Neither had […]

Words Count

Daniela Aivazian is the author of today’s Tuesday Reading.  She is an Organizational Effectiveness Specialist in Stanford University’s University IT organization.  Her essay first appeared as a leadership program reflection earlier this year.  [Dani may be reached at [email protected].]   In my second IT Leaders workshop, my coach said something that stopped me in my tracks. “Words matter,” […]

Psychological Safety

… my team is a safe place for interpersonal risk taking   Early this decade Google was focused on building the perfect team.  Even earlier, the company had endeavored to capture large quantities of data about employees and how they worked.  They knew, for example, how frequently particular people ate together (more productive people had larger […]

Talk To Yourself (Out Loud)?

…  You May Want To Give IT a Try Kristin Wong, a Los Angeles journalist and writer, who contributes to the New York Times and other publications, found herself approached by a stranger at a grocery store asking if she needed help.  He had heard her talking to herself out loud, in public.  She had […]

Are You A Micromanager?

Who me?  Never! Most of us would disavow being a micromanager.  Yet, I’m sure that most of us (dare I say, all of us?) have micromanaged to some extent at some points in our lives.  I know that I have.  And, most of us at some point have had a micromanager as our manager.  David Allen, […]