Leadership Program Reflection
Leaders – Pause and Reflect
[This reading is from Vania McBean, Assistant Director of Information Technology for University Recreation and Wellness at the University of Maryland – College Park. She is a recent MOR program alum. Vania may be reached at [email protected].] From time to time, as leaders we have to stop and press the pause button. MOR practice requirements […]
Can I offer you some feedback?
[This reading is from Dr. Julie A. Traxler, Associate Dean for the School of Environmental and Biological Sciences at Rutgers University. She is a recent MOR program alum. Julie may be reached at [email protected].] During our MOR sessions, I could see us collectively cringe, but we began slowly to get more comfortable (or maybe a […]
Never waste a good crisis!
Never waste a good crisis! [This reading is from Evelyn F. Griffith, Assistant Director of Data Management at Michigan State University. She is a recent MOR program alum. Evelyn may be reached at [email protected].] What a time to write a reflection! There are so many valuable lessons that we gain from participating in MOR. However, […]

Leading and Caring Under Pressure
[This reading is from Jessica von Borck, Director of Land Use Planning at Stanford University. She is a recent MOR program alum. Jessica may be reached at [email protected].] “’Cause love’s such an old fashioned wordAnd love dares you to care forThe people on the edge of the nightAnd love (people on streets) dares you to change […]

Mental Health
[This reading is from Michael Chakerian, Director of Information Technology for the College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences at The Ohio State University. He is a Big Ten Academic Alliance (BTAA) MOR Leaders Program alum. Mike may be reached at [email protected].] Perhaps the most difficult thing that no one prepares you for with a major […]

Personal growth and giving yourself credit
[This reading is from Jelene Crehan, Interim Director of Network Engineering and Telecommunications at the University of Illinois at Chicago. She is a recent MOR program alum. Jelene may be reached at [email protected].] After spending much time reflecting on reflecting… I realize I do a lot more reflection in my car, driving in complete silence, when […]
Reflecting on a Relationship With Gratitude
Before the winter break, I spent some time considering who would make a great example of leadership for my reflection. I kept coming back to the idea of describing my friend David, who was once a colleague of mine at another university. Over the years, we’ve kept in touch on a regular basis, and kept […]
Leadership Reflection: Why Luck Matters More Than You Think
By Maria Curcio, [email protected] MORLP 2016, August 29, 2016. In his article, “Why Luck Matters More Than You Think” (Atlantic, May 2016), Robert H. Frank discusses luck in terms of wealth and success: “Wealthy people overwhelmingly attribute their own success to hard work rather than to factors like luck or being in the right place at the […]