July, 2013

Why Do I Think Better after I Exercise?
Justin Rhodes, associate professor of psychology at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, tells us that excercise can be the answer. The essay appeared in the Scientific American. Rhodes says that there is a growing body of evidence that suggests that we think and learn better after we exercise. Part of the reason that cognition […]
Authentic Leadership Can Be Bad Leadership
This essay first appeared in the Harvard Business Review blog and comes from the pens of Deborah Gruenfeld, Maghadam Family Professor of Leadership and Organizational Behavior at the Stanford Graduate School of Business and Lauren Zander is Founder of the Handel Group. Gruenfeld and Zander posit that authenticity is of great value as a leader […]

Best Advice: Six Secrets to Success
Colin Shaw, CEO, Beyond Philosophy, a customer experience consultancy, shares insight on how to be sucessful. Shaw notes that in his work life he has had some “great managers and some real idiots” and that he could learn from both. The good managers he copied and he did just the opposite of what the idiots […]
Forget The Mission Statement: What’s Your Mission Question?
In “Forget The Mission Statement: What’s Your Mission Question?”, Warren Berger challenges us to consider responding to a set of mission questions instead of writing a mission statement that is so general it can apply to almost anything. He argues that mission questions provide a reality check on whether you are staying true to what […]

Individual Development and Skills for Evolving with the Times
A key theme of the 2013 MOR IT Leaders Conference was that we are entering a time when disruptive change is the norm. Given that change will happen whether one participates or not, those who actively resist it will hinder their organizations’ progress and imperil their careers. For the conference participants, the message was clear: […]

Building Leadership Communities – Examples from the Field
It is a fundamental principle that leadership in today’s higher education environment must be collective, concurrent, and collaborative. To make that happen, campuses need to create, nurture, and sustain communities in which leaders at all levels can be successful. On day three of the 2013 MOR IT Leaders conference, the morning session focused on building […]

Share Your Leadership Vision One Shell at a Time
Sarah Le Roy, vice president of Talent at Linkage is the author of today’s Tuesday Reading, “Share Your Leadership Vision One Shell at a Time” <http://mylinkage.com/blog/sharpen-your-leadership-vision/>. In the essay she tells the story of “shelling” with her eight year-old daughter. As they walked along the beach, Le Roy noted (to herself) that she consistently found better shells […]

Meeting Disruptive Change with Self-Awareness and Grace
All of this year’s conference attendees and all MOR staff members were invited to complete a personal assessment tool called the Strength Deployment Inventory, or SDI for short. It was a wonderful opportunity to reflect on the sometimes messy business of engaging with other people who *gasp!* don’t see things exactly as we do. Susan […]