June, 2015

Feedback 103 – Asking for and Receiving Feedback
Two weeks ago I began a series of Tuesday Readings focusing on feedback. In the first reading, I suggested that feedback was the sharing of information between co-workers about the impact of their behavior on the team’s results, its processes, and/or its relationships. This past week I focused on giving feedback and suggested six simple, […]

Feedback 102 – Giving Feedback
Last week we began a series of Tuesday Readings on the subject of feedback: Feedback in the workplace is the sharing of information between co-workers about the impact that their behavior is having on the team’s results, its processes, and/or its relationships. It can be positive in the form of affirmation of specific good work a […]
New Lenses and a Sharper Vision
Returning to work after our second session, I felt like I was coming back not just with new tools, but with new lenses and sharper vision. But would that have an impact? I think it has. Here are three mini-reflections focused around new things that happened in my leadership because of lessons and tools I […]
Get on the Balcony
Stop Getting in Your Own Way My big takeaway from our first set of meetings has to be to “get on the balcony.” Related to getting on the balcony, I recognized through our reading and activities that I need to delegate more, give work back, and say no more. Once I condition myself to make […]
Professional Toolbox
A couple of years ago I had my kitchen remodeled. During the process, I, along with my young boys, reveled in the tools the contractors had at their disposal, and their skill in using them. They had so many tools – some for general use (hammer) and others more specialized (router) – their truck looked like an […]
The Answer Is In The Room
It’s been a couple of weeks since we were all together in Bloomington and my how the time has flown by. Having had some time to digest all that we shared and learned, I still have a sense of inspiration and motivation that I hope will continue to carry on into the coming months. I […]

Feedback 101 – What Is It?
“We all live in the world with only the vaguest notion of our impact, and sometimes that matters. Clearly, when we’re effective or helpful, we ought to know it. And when our actions are working against us or others, we ought to know that too. Given how most of us put our heads down and […]
MOR's Top Trends
For the 2015 MOR Leaders Conference held May 27-28 in Indianapolis Brian McDonald and Jim Bruce collaborated on the following top trends impacting our clients: 1. Globalization of Education Education is global. Increased numbers of international students, US campuses abroad, countries creating new universities some of which are world-class and attract US students. The list […]
Stretch and Learn
I attended the MOR IT Leaders conference in late May. As an ITLP graduate who stepped into a CIO role two years ago, I was asked to share how I employ the elements of the MOR toolkit in my leadership role. I’ve invested in relationships and focused on changing culture. I’ve taken uncomfortable risks. But, […]

Leadership Happens Through Action and Behavior
Today’s Tuesday Reading “Leadership Happens Through Action and Behavior” first appeared as a Weekly Reflection for the University of Minnesota Advanced Leaders Program. It’s author, Chris Grantham is Chief of Staff to the Vice President and CIO at the University. Many of you know I have a 19-month-old daughter, Iris, whom I adore absolutely and […]

Managing Up
In addition to all of the things you have to do in your job is the important responsibility of managing the relationship with your boss. It takes time and energy. And, managing it is as important as any of your work, and doing it well can simplify your job by eliminating future problems. Stop for a […]

Speeding Up On Curves
No, today’s Tuesday Reading is not bad driving advice! The curves here are those Brad Wheeler, Vice President for Information Technology and Chief Information Officer for Indiana University and a professor of information systems in IU’s Kelly School of Business, is speaking of in his January/February 2014 EDUCAUSE Review essay “Speeding Up On Curves” which is […]