September, 2016

MOR Leaders 2016-2017
It is an exciting time at MOR and for the MOR Leaders community. We have just launched over 300 leaders into a year of stretch and challenge! How will you shape the year ahead for your own development? What is your plan? How can you use the energy of this new cadre of MOR Leaders […]

Those Informal Leaders
There are informal leaders in every organization. These are the people in the organization who, without formal title or authority, get things done, and done well, show others how to do them, and have a large network interconnecting many people in a variety of teams and organizations across the entire organization. Often we do not […]

Building Leadership Community
Leaders in Higher Education walk a tightrope every day. Financial pressures have sustained while expectations and demands for return on investment have continued to increase. The pace of change has accelerated and will not stop. Market conditions have spurred new innovation and competition at the edges, some of which might be considered unwelcome. Meanwhile, as […]

Coaching? Mentoring?
What’s the difference? Someone asked the other day, “What do you think?” and I wondered, is this a time to coach or a time to mentor? In our interactions everyday we may have the choice to adopt one approach over the other. Yet we need to be able to make the distinction between coaching in […]

MOR Team Summer Retreat
Practicing What We Preach This past August the MOR team gathered to build relationships, develop our skill sets and think about the future. Our objectives were simple: connect, align, upgrade, enjoy. This was a week of rich discussion, numerous perspectives, and lots of great ideas. It was an easy collaboration. For an organization that is […]

I suspect that you, like me, must answer “yes.” From a neuroscience perspective, our brains are constantly, subconsciously scanning the world around us seeking to identify and examine “events” of note – for example, the school bus that went down my street this morning at 8:15, the traffic light turning from green to yellow, the likely […]

Neuroscience – Managing Self-Talk
Earlier this summer we introduced the idea (in a series of Tuesday Readings, as referenced below) that if we understand how our brain works, we can better understand why we react the way we do. I wrote, then, that the individual’s brain, in the days of our early ancestors, had one key goal – survival, […]

IT Centralization and the Innovation Value Chain in Higher Education
On April 1 we reached out to the MOR Leaders alumni on behalf of Ed Clark, fellow program alum and current CIO of University of St Thomas, with a survey on “IT Centralization and the Innovation Value Chain in Higher Education”. This was part of his PhD dissertation work, in which I am happy to […]