October, 2016

How to Avoid Hiring a Toxic Staff Member
Last week’s Tuesday Reading, Toxic Staff Members, provided a set of steps a leader might take if she or he has a toxic staff member. In outline form the advice was: Face, not ignore, the situation. Collect specifics about the behavior. Be direct in your feedback. Develop, with him or her, an improvement plan. Be extremely […]

Moving: A reflection on gains, change, losses and momentum.
Moving is one of the most stressful experiences. Packing, cleaning, planning, arguing, worrying, and rethinking just about everything in our daily routine … no thank you. This week MOR moved its global HQ. Although it is only about 1 mile away, the move required lots of planning and organizing. Hats off to Maria here at […]

Toxic Staff Members
Do you have one? We’ve all encountered them. The one, or two, or more bad apples on our teams who have little or nothing positive to say about anything, regularly upset and disrupt others, and make work miserable for everyone. Dylan Minor, a faculty member at the Kellogg School of Management notes that there is a […]

“Don't waste your time looking back. You're not going that way."
Today’s Tuesday Reading, “Don’t waste your time looking back. You’re not going that way,” is an essay by Mark (Bo) Connell, Assistant Dean for Hospital Operations, Texas A&M University, College of Veterinary Medicine & Biomedical Sciences, Texas Veterinary Medical Center. It first appeared earlier this year as a leaders program reflection. That quote I’ve […]

Career Limiting Habits
Do You Have One? Career limiting habits (CLHs) are habits, repeated behaviors that keep us from greater success or enjoyment in our careers. And, really, in all aspects of our life. Research has shown that most of us are aware of our career limiting habits but have not made much progress in addressing them. Why? […]