November, 2016

Learning by Example
In the November 1, 2016 Tuesday Reading, Always on Stage, readers were invited to respond to the question What’s the most important, or effective, way you lead by example? Some 39 readers replied with 139 responses. All of these responses can be found here. I’ve included a group of responses below that I found to be […]

Results from an Investment with MOR
Once MOR begins a leadership journey with someone, we never leave their side. Or, put another way, they keep us with them. Perhaps that’s why our organizational client retention rate this year was 100%. Video of MOR minute with John Gohsman MOR minute with John Gohsman Our clients’ trust is incredibly important to us. We […]

The Leader’s Role in Leading Leaders
As the leadership communities grow across our client organizations, we’ve witnessed several effective approaches in leading other leaders. We’d like to share a few, as we are also aware that they can be quite different from those that helped us earlier in our careers. For each approach, we have included practices that you can work […]

Ritual Questions
In last week’s Tuesday Reading, Triggers, Once Again, I pointed to a set of questions Marshall Goldsmith asks at the end of each day. These 20 questions include ones such as: · Did I do my best today to make progress on each of my priorities for the day? · Did I do my best today […]

Triggers, Once Again
Last year, shortly after Marshall Goldsmith’s book Triggers: Creating Behavior That Lasts, Becoming the Person You Want to Be was published, I focused – in the August 11, 2015 Tuesday Reading, Triggers – on a practice he discussed there that has brought significant discipline into his life. (Goldsmith is one of the best-known executive coaches in the U.S., if […]

Always on the Stage
Always on the Stage We say over and over again “Leaders are always on the stage.” Why? Because someone is always watching. Someone is always taking the leader’s behavior to inform their impression of her or him and as an example of how to behave. Good or bad, it’s OK. We think, if it works […]
Reflecting on a Relationship With Gratitude
Before the winter break, I spent some time considering who would make a great example of leadership for my reflection. I kept coming back to the idea of describing my friend David, who was once a colleague of mine at another university. Over the years, we’ve kept in touch on a regular basis, and kept […]