March, 2017

Difficult Conversations
Over that past two years, the Tuesday Reading has focused twice on difficult conversations, both with others, Managing Difficult Conversations, and in the form of self-talk, Neuroscience – Managing Self-Talk. Recently, I reviewed an essay We Have to Talk: A Step-By-Step Checklist for Difficult Conversations, by Judy Ringer, a conflict and communications skills trainer, black belt in […]

The Measurement of a Leader
Today’s Tuesday Reading, The Measurement of a Leader, is an essay by Jeff Sherrill, Assistant Director for Information Technology, College of Business Administration, University of Nebraska–Lincoln. The essay first appeared as a program reflection earlier this year. Last year, I read the memoirs of Union General and later President of the United States, Ulysses S. Grant. I was really […]

Practice, Practice, Practice
Practice is a word that is frequently used in leadership development. For example, we can use practice to indicate engagement in a profession – I have a practice in engineering; or to indicate development of a skill – I habitually practice my listening skills; or to signify continual development of a skill – I practice the piano for four […]

Givers and Takers
We have all grown up in a give and take world. Remember the times when you were small and were either willing to share your toys and stuffed animals with your older/younger siblings, or wanted to accumulate as many of them as possible whether you were playing with them or not, or were willing to […]