April, 2017

Work Less, Get More Done
Most of us firmly believe that there is a linear relationship between the hours we work and the productive results that we generate, at least to the point of sheer physical exhaustion. Research has begun to show, however, that it’s more complicated than that. That, in fact, the stressors that keep us from focusing and […]

Don’t Look Back
Only look back if that is where you want to be. Today’s Tuesday Reading, Don’t Look Back, is an essay by Scott Orr, Manager, Research and Infrastructure Computing, Dean’s Office, School of Science, Indiana University. The essay first appeared as a program reflection earlier this year. Our last Indiana MOR Leaders Workshop focused on influencing others and […]

ATD :: Attention Deficit Trait
I have it, and so do many of you to a more or lesser degree. Attention Deficit Trait (ADT) is a term used to describe the effects of a persistent state of information overload that can be generated in our digital world. Psychiatrist Edward Hallowell first used this term in his 2005 Harvard Business Review […]

More on Self-Talk
Over that past two years, the Tuesday Reading has focused twice on difficult conversations, both with others, Managing Difficult Conversations, and in the form of self-talk, Neuroscience – Managing Self-Talk. Last week we turned again to Difficult Conversations and today, we return to the topic of self-talk. Last fall when I wrote about self-talk, I quoted […]