May, 2018

Memorial Day
Yesterday was Memorial Day, our holiday for remembering all those – some 1.4 million from the American Revolution until now – who gave their lives in conflicts while serving in our nation’s armed forces. The idea of having a time to commemorate those who have died in the line of duty while serving their […]

The Rebel Leader
The MOR Leaders Program, as the name implies, is about leadership. Just what is it that leaders do and how do they go about doing it? Two weeks ago, we focused on the humble leader. There we wrote about what makes a leader humble1 and how a leader can cultivate those characteristics in his or her […]

Words Count
Daniela Aivazian is the author of today’s Tuesday Reading. She is an Organizational Effectiveness Specialist in Stanford University’s University IT organization. Her essay first appeared as a leadership program reflection earlier this year. [Dani may be reached at [email protected].] In my second IT Leaders workshop, my coach said something that stopped me in my tracks. “Words matter,” […]

The Humble Leader
The MOR Leaders Program employs a leadership model which calls for leaders to focus on providing direction – establishing vision, developing strategies, and coping with change; aligning people – communicating direction, engaging people in implementation, and building commitment; and motivating them to do the work – “holding up the banner,” coaching and empowering, and recognizing and rewarding success. This […]

Need Help?
. . . Ask for it! On any given day we will each need help from others in one or more of our life-circles – our work, our families, our church, and our social and community activities, etc. And, we also will have opportunities to extend our help to others. So, why then, do we […]