March, 2022

Don’t Sweat the Small Stuff
[Today’s Tuesday Reading is from Brandon Bernier, Vice President IT and CIO, Colorado State University. He is a MOR program alum. Brandon may be reached at [email protected].] Several years ago, I worked for a leader who always seemed to have the right advice at the right time. Once, when I was struggling with a large […]

Lead with emotion but don’t let emotion lead you
[Today’s Tuesday Reading is from Lori Green, Program Leader and Leadership Coach at MOR Associates. Lori may be reached at [email protected].] I have asked many leadership cohorts what they thought made their boss a good boss. The usual responses are, “they listened to me,” “they cared about my development,” “they trusted me,” “they understood when […]

Your Employees Are In Charge – What Do You Do?
[Today’s Tuesday Reading is by Jack Wolfe, MOR Associates Executive Coach and Senior Consultant. Jack may be reached at [email protected].] Today’s employees can leave their job with you and be reemployed in a heartbeat – there has been a major shift in the employer/employee power structure in the last year, and it’s NOT to […]

When You’re in the Soup, You Can’t See the Pot
[Today’s Tuesday Reading is from Mike Sullivan with contributions from Lori Green. They are Program Leaders and Leadership Coaches with MOR Associates. They may be reached at [email protected] and [email protected].] We’ve got two questions we want you to reflect on for a minute: How are you doing at taking care of business? How are you doing at taking care […]