
Effective Leadership Requires Thinking and Applying
Today’s Tuesday Reading is from Peggy Huston, Leadership Coach at MOR Associates. Peggy may be reached at [email protected] or via LinkedIn. I like to think about many things and want to be challenged to think in ways I had not considered before. Wandering into unknown territory of thought feels like an adventure for me. It’s […]

The Biggest Change I Ever Managed: A Cultural Tale
The Biggest Change I Ever Managed: A Cultural Tale [Today’s Tuesday Reading is from Susan Foster, IT Business Manager at Bowdoin College. She is a MOR program alum. Susan may be reached at [email protected] or via LinkedIn.] One sunny afternoon, during an average week, while doing average daily business, I got a call from my […]

It's GO Time!
[Today’s Tuesday Reading is from Sue Workman, Leadership Coach at MOR Associates. Sue may be reached at [email protected].] It’s Back to School! This time of year always has excitement in the air, a feeling that a fresh adventure is about to begin. The campus is buzzing with new faces, parents leaving their beloved children – […]

Strategy + Alignment → UNLEASHES Execution
[Today’s Tuesday Reading is from Jack Wolfe and Jim Dezieck of MOR Associates. They may be reached at [email protected] and [email protected].] If you understand the vision, and are truly committed to executing it, you’ll make it happen! – from a special boss of Jack’s, long ago and far away, as you will see. Last week […]

It’s Time to Mind the Gap
[Today’s Tuesday Reading is from Jim Dezieck and Jack Wolfe of MOR Associates. They may be reached at [email protected] and [email protected].] STRATEGY AND ITS IMPORTANCE This year showcased both the huge value that our higher ed IT brings to academia and the world class performance of which our IT teams are capable. The crisis […]

My monthly strategic planning meetings with… me
[Today’s Tuesday Reading is from Jesse Voigt, Associate Director of Infrastructure, Macalester College. He is a current MOR program participant. Jesse may be reached at [email protected].] The Problem One of the most frequent frustrations I hear from leaders is that they struggle with balancing their lead/manage/do ratio. We fall into the trap of […]

Results, it is what we are paid to deliver
[Today’s Tuesday Reading is from Sean McDonald, Vice-President of MOR Associates. Sean may be reached at [email protected].] “Is responsive to urgent requests.” If you have taken a 360 Leadership Assessment with MOR, it is likely the statement above was your highest score. As a leadership coach, seeing this as your highest score gives reason […]

Molding Consensus through Relationships
[Today’s Tuesday Reading is from Roger Weisenberg, Director of Financial Technology, Office of Finance and Treasury, Princeton University. He is a current MOR program participant. Roger may be reached at [email protected].] As we concluded our MOR Advanced Leaders workshop on influence last week, I found it interesting and appropriate that the timing of this […]

Thriving as a leader in hybrid
[Today’s Tuesday Reading is from Justin Sipher, Program Leader, Leadership Coach and Consultant at MOR Associates. Justin may be reached at [email protected].] Here we stand, November 2021, twenty plus months into the global pandemic that has altered so many aspects of our lives and work. Higher education has been forced to rethink many long-held […]

If Relationships Are Currency, It Is Time to Invest
[Today’s Tuesday Reading is from Sean McDonald, Vice-President of MOR Associates. Sean may be reached at [email protected].] Like you, I’ve spent a lot of time thinking about relationships over the course of my life, especially these past 15 months. Given the work MOR does, my reflection often explores the connections between relationships and results. Two […]

What's in Your MOR Wallet?
[Today’s Tuesday Reading is from Chris Corrente, Manager of Student Solutions at the University of Notre Dame. He is a MOR alum. Chris may be reached at [email protected].] A recent conversation with some fellow MOR alumni caused me to reminisce about my own MOR journey in 2019. As I reflect upon it, I think […]

Backpack Essentials for your Leadership Journey
[Today’s Tuesday Reading is from Vijay Menta, CIO of Middlebury College. Vijay may be reached at [email protected].] We all hear about how hindsight is 20/20 and how when we reflect on things that have happened in the past, we start analyzing and continue to think about what we could’ve done or what we should’ve […]

Of Leadership, iPads, and Community
[Today’s Tuesday Reading is from Jim Dezieck, MOR Associates Leadership Coach and Henry Gabriel, Associate Director of Finance, University Information Technology Services at Indiana University. They may be reached at [email protected] or [email protected].] The photograph above answers the question: ‘how do we measure value?’ The joyful smile of a newly celebrated centenarian connecting from her nursing home room […]

Just How Does One Listen?
“Humble listening” is among the top four characteristics of leader.1 — Jeff Immelt, Former Chairman and CEO, GE. “If there is any one secret of success, it lies in the ability to get the other person’s point of view and see things from that person’s angle as well as from your own.”2,3 — Henry Ford. “To […]

Burnt Out?
Where are you on the burnout scale — exhaustion, cynicism and inefficacy — to fully engaged — energy, dedication, and absorbed?1 In a 2018 paper, Seppälä and Moeller2 introduce a young woman who is in a new workplace. She really liked her new job and was highly motivated to perform well. She undertook, and was highly successful at, organizing a […]