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September, 2006


Working Journals

Many people have observed that journaling will change the way that you go about your work and your life.  In today’s reading, Rick Brenner of Chaco Canyon Consulting observes that you record what you did and why you did it.  And, you record what you didn’t do and why you didn’t do it.  You record […]

We Are All People

Most of the time we interact with others — fellow members of a team, colleagues assembled for a particular issue, individuals we meet by happenstance — to get work done.  In “We Are All People,” Rick Brenner of Chaco Canyon Consulting reminds us that we are all people, different people, and that we have one common […]

Who's Sorry Now?

Who’s Sorry Now? Jason Pontin, Editor in Chief of MIT’s Technology Review, reviews Pip Coburn’s “The Change Function:  Why Some Technologies Take Off and Others Crash and Burn.” Coburn was managing director of the technology group of UBS Investment Research during the technology run-up of the late 1990s.  While his focus in on customer’s […]