November, 2013

Fors and Againsts
Today’s reading is a post, “Fors and Againsts,” that recently appeared in the Creative Leadership blog of John Maeda. Maeda, who currently is the President of the Rhode Island School of Design, calls himself a graphic designer, computer scientist, academic, and author. Previously, he was E. Rudge and Nancy Allen Professor of Media Arts and Sciences and Associate […]

Where's Your Focus?
This week’s Tuesday Reading, “Where’s Your Focus?” is a post on Jim Hall’s COACHING BUTTONS Blog. Jim is an 2007 ITLP alum from the University of Minnesota where he is now Director of Information Services at the University of Minnesota, Morris. Jim’s essay focuses on Leading – Managing – Doing (LMD) and, in particular, on […]

I'm Thinking. Please. Be Quiet
Today’s Tuesday Reading is the essay “I’m Thinking. Please. Be Quiet.” which appeared in the August 24, 2013 issue of The New York Times. George Prochink, the essay’s author, is also author of the forthcoming book, “The Impossible Exile.” Around 1850, philosopher Arthur Schopenhauer, who felt that he had been tortured by noise all his life, […]

What Behaviors Must Leaders Avoid?
Today’s Tuesday Reading is “What Behaviors Must Leaders Avoid?”. This essay is by Amy Jen Su and Muriel Maignan Wilkins. It appeared earlier this year in the HBR blogs. Amy Jen Su and Muriel Maignan Wilkins are co-founders and managing partners of Isis Associates, a boutique executive coaching and leadership development firm. They are the authors […]

World Series MVP David Ortiz's Big, Bold, On-the-fly Leadership Lessons
Leadership lessons continue to flow from the recent worst-to-first Red Sox season. Here is a great article from Fast Company on David Ortiz and leadership, “World Series MVP David Ortiz’s Big, Bold, On-the-fly Leadership Lessons“. It’s lessons: 1. Borrow from other industries. I.e., the huddle. Video of Papi rallies his teammates in dugout […]