Jim Bruce
A Time to Say Thank You!
At least with my family, preparation for Thanksgiving dinner began several weeks ago as decisions were made about where we would gather and who would prepare and bring what food to share. It’s always a wonderful time to get as many family members as can come together to express our thanks for another year and […]
Your Most Precious Resource Each of us has 24 hours each day and 168 hours each week for work and everything else – commuting, eating lunch, taking breaks during our work, organized activities including time with family and friends, exercise, religious activities, team sports, play, rest, and sleep, etc. And, no matter how hard we […]
Are You A Micromanager?
Who me? Never! Most of us would disavow being a micromanager. Yet, I’m sure that most of us (dare I say, all of us?) have micromanaged to some extent at some points in our lives. I know that I have. And, most of us at some point have had a micromanager as our manager. David Allen, […]
Amazon's Leadership Principles
Several weeks ago, Amazon’s Leadership Principles surfaced in my reading. I was so impressed by their breadth and scope that I wanted to share them with you, along with a brief summary, focusing on how they might apply in higher education, of each of the 14 points. In Amazon’s notes on these Principles, the company emphasizes that […]
Listen! Listen!!
Are you listening? Hearing and listening. We hear when sound waves reach our ears and are converted into neural signals by the inner ear. We choose to listen when we intentionally let those neural signals impact us. This is why we can sit in a busy place totally immersed in our reading or in a […]
Stop Your Procrastinating!
… Not you? Research says that 95% of us do procrastinate. We all procrastinate! Research by Piers Steel found that about 95% of us do and several other researchers suspect that the remaining 5% of us are, shall we say, stretching the truth. So, two questions: Why do we procrastinate? And, what can we do […]
Get Grittier
I’ve written before on grit (see here), about having stamina, about sticking with what you’ve chosen or been led to do, your future, day in, day out, not just for a week, nor for a month, but for years, working really hard to make that future a reality. Grit is a marathon, not a sprint. […]
The Importance of Trust
Last week, during the closing session’s CIO Panel at one of the MOR Leaders Programs, every CIO on the panel commented on the importance of trust. Earlier in the session in a similar vein, I had noted that followers want leaders who are credible, trustworthy, leaders who do what they say they will do. Max […]
Hidden Leaders
… Hunting, Fishing, Trawling Every organization has hidden leaders. They’re everywhere. They consistently step up to deal with client problems, with intractable issues, with extra effort to meet an unusual request from a key client, etc. We often don’t think of such individuals as leaders, after all they don’t have a positional title that would […]
A Practice for the End of Your Workday
From time to time in the Tuesday Readings, we have talked about practices, small habits, that we can use regularly in our day-to-day activities to improve our outcomes. For example, past Tuesday Readings have focused on practices (“The Meeting Is Over …” – January 31, 2017, “Resilience” – February 10, 2017, “Questions” – February 27, 2017, […]