
Sticky Visual and Emotional Communication
Today’s Tuesday Reading is from Marion Groh Marquardt, Associate Director of Web Services at Stanford University and a MOR program alum. Marion may be reached at [email protected] or via LinkedIn. You know how it is sometimes: we’re so focused on what we want to communicate that we overlook the crucial visual and emotional threads that […]

Dealing with a Difficult Boss
[Jim Bruce is a Senior Fellow and Executive Coach at MOR Associates. He previously was Professor of Electrical Engineering, and Vice President for Information Systems and CIO at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA.] It is wonderful to have a good boss, one who is understanding, supportive, provides challenging assignments, shows an interest […]

Reflections on Emotional Intelligence
[Today’s Tuesday Reading is from Kim Catania, Director of IT Programs and Projects, University of Oregon. She is a current MOR program participant. Kim may be reached at [email protected].] I have been reflecting on Emotional Intelligence and how it has helped shape who I am as a leader. I have always been very empathetic and […]

Harmony and Conflict
[Today’s Tuesday Reading is from Amanda Sarratore, Manager of Academic IT Services at the University of Notre Dame. She is a MOR alum. Amanda may be reached at [email protected].] A couple of years ago, I completed a StrengthsFinder assessment. The StrengthsFinder assessment “created a language of the 34 most common talents,” and the assessment […]

MLK and Constructive Conversations
MLK and Constructive Conversations [Today’s Tuesday Reading is by Dr. David Sweetman, MOR Associates Leadership Coach and Consultant. David may be reached at [email protected].] Yesterday was Martin Luther King Jr Day, the United States holiday marking the birth of Dr. King. We can reflect on the past, the journey our country has been on to achieve […]

Leaders Can Shape Events
[Today’s Tuesday Reading is from Brian McDonald, President of MOR Associates. Brian may be reached at [email protected].] Four Leadership Competencies Are:Management of MeaningManagement of AttentionManagement of TrustManagement of Self Warren Bennis Why Leaders Fail In Warren Bennis’s book Why Leaders Fail he proposes that leaders have an opportunity to manage attention as well as manage meaning. […]

Elections Trigger Great Anticipation as Well as Anxiety
[Today’s Tuesday Reading is from Brian McDonald, President of MOR Associates. Brian may be reached at [email protected].] An Issue to Consider on Election Day Beyond Did You Vote? As we finally reach Election Day, there is considerable anticipation built up by the 7 x 24 television coverage. There is also even more anxiety […]

Help: Start where you are, use what you have, do what you can
[Today’s Tuesday Reading is from Sean McDonald, Vice-President of MOR Associates. Sean may be reached at [email protected].] Last week I had the chance to speak briefly with a help desk team member from a university whose campus plans are in flux. This person and their team have not been part of the decision chain […]

Can We Talk? Can We Be Honest?
Can We Talk? Can We Be Honest? We Have a Tough Road Yet to Travel [Today’s Tuesday Reading is from Brian McDonald, President of MOR Associates. Brian may be reached at [email protected].] At first we thought this might be more like a sprint. If we do the right thing and shelter in place from March to […]

Bullies and Bullying
[Today’s Tuesday Reading is from Jim Bruce, Senior Fellow and Executive Coach at MOR Associates. He previously was Professor of Electrical Engineering, and Vice President for Information Systems and CIO at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA. He may be reached at [email protected].] I had not thought much about these two words – bullies and bullying […]

Presence and Presentation – Personal Webcam Edition: The finer points of managing and optimizing your personal virtual presence
[Today’s Tuesday Reading is from Chris Paquette, Director of Survey Services at MOR Associates. Chris may be reached at [email protected].] Future historians will point to this as the moment when COVID-19 profoundly and instantly transformed how we worked and interacted. Videoconferencing, previously a useful supplement to in-person meetings and teleconferences, has become the primary way […]

Leading and Managing in the time of COVID-19
[Today’s Tuesday Reading is from Jim Bruce, Senior Fellow and Executive Coach at MOR Associates. He previously was Professor of Electrical Engineering, and Vice President for Information Systems and CIO at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA. He may be reached at [email protected].] Tuesday Readings for the past four weeks have focused on how we can […]

Asking more Questions
– Upping your game In last week’s Tuesday Reading, Questions: How many have you asked today, we argued that the practice of asking questions is more important than any one of the answers we may be given, as asking builds our knowledge, teaches us about people, engages others, communicates value, sets an example, and develops […]

Your Addiction
… to Your Smartphone ad·dic·tion –– the compulsive need for and use of a habit-forming substance, thing, or activity. As individuals in today’s society we have become addicted to our smartphones. We are at a loss when it isn’t in our hand, on our person, out of sight, etc. And, the research is clear, for all […]

Becoming Influential
Leaders must be men and women who influence others to enable them to become more effective. In her essay Five Principles to Follow If You Want to Influence Others,1 Amy Glass, writes “No matter your role, influence is key to solving problems and making things happen. … [T]his means persuading people to help you affect change, […]

Why Should We Ask Questions?
Kids ask questions in order to learn about the world in which they live. And, sometimes they will answer their own question to show-off what they know – for example, my great-granddaughter holding out a stuffed rabbit and saying “rabbit” – and sometimes they want you to tell them. As they grow older, their questions […]

On Positive Curiosity
Eric Abrams is the author of today’s Tuesday Reading. He is Chief Inclusion Officer at Stanford University’s Graduate School of Education. His essay first appeared as a leadership program reflection earlier this year. [Eric may be reached at [email protected].] The MOR Tuesday Reading of October 23, 2018 focused on curiosity. Given my role at the Stanford Graduate […]

Interrupted, Again!
In last week’s Tuesday Reading “Sleep”, I suggested that one of the ways to address sleep deprivation is to manage your work calendar aggressively, enabling you to complete more of your work before you to go home in the evening. One of the tactics I suggested there was for you set aside a specific time […]