
Six Steps Toward Positive Mental Health
[Today’s Tuesday Reading is from Laura Patterson, Leadership Coach and Consultant at MOR Associates. She previously was CIO at the University of Michigan. Laura may be reached at [email protected] or via LinkedIn.] The COVID-19 pandemic has exacerbated long standing challenges to employee health and well-being and has contributed to a high rate of employee […]

MOR Creates Ripple Effects in One’s Life…
[Today’s Tuesday Reading is from Marcia Dority Baker, Leadership Coach at MOR Associates. Marcia may be reached at [email protected] or via LinkedIn. Editorial Note: This is the last Tuesday Reading of 2022. The next Tuesday Reading will be in January. ] “You want to be the pebble in the pond that creates the ripples […]

Latent Learning: You Know More Than You Know
[Today’s Tuesday Reading is from Jim Dezieck and David Sweetman. They may be reached at [email protected] and [email protected] or via LinkedIn, Jim and David.] ‘Whoa!’ Jackie looked out on the setting campus sun feeling a huge burden had just been lifted, a smile on her face. Weeks of tension had just evaporated in […]

Voting, an Act of Leading From Where You Are, Yes and…
[Today’s Tuesday Reading is from Sean McDonald, Vice-President of MOR Associates. Sean may be reached at [email protected] or on LinkedIn.] In a recent taxi ride home from the airport, Faisal, the driver, was eager to share his frustrations with the world’s problems. He was smart and thoughtful about seeing the big picture of complex […]

I’m a Leader? I’m a Leader.
[Today’s Tuesday Reading is from Peggy Huston, Leadership Coach at MOR Associates. Peggy may be reached at [email protected].] What makes a great leader? I posted this question in a Google search and received a long list of important traits for a great leader, such as integrity, good communication, agility, influence, empathy, courage, respect, knowledge, etc. […]

7 Leadership Lessons Offered During Last Month’s Workshops
[Today’s Tuesday Reading is from Brian McDonald, President of MOR Associates. Brian may be reached at [email protected].] During the past month different MOR cohorts have had the opportunity to hear leadership lessons from several accomplished program sponsors. Their insights seemed well worth passing along so others could benefit from these thoughtful reflections. 1. Self-Acceptance Is an […]