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3 Underappreciated IT Leadership Skills?

The Tuesday Reading today is “3 Underappreciated IT Leadership Skills?”, a commentary appearing this past July in Information Week.  The essay’s authors are Whitney Hischier and Rajiv Ball, lecturers at the UC Berkeley Haas School of Business where they teach the Business Leadership for IT Professionals program. Ball and Hischier note that today’s world is far […]

My Workable Combination of Tools to Strategically Plan and Manage My Tasks

Today’s Tuesday Reading is a reflection written for his cohort by James Lewis, Academic Technology Support Infrastructure Manager, College of Liberal Arts, University of Texas, Austin and a recent IT Leaders Program alum.  While preparing to write this leadership reflection, I initially thought I would focus on the challenges of creating networks for those of […]

Take a Walk, Sure, but Don’t Call It a Break

The Tuesday Reading today is “Take a Walk, Sure, but Don’t Call It a Break”, an essay that appeared early in the year in the HBR blogs.  Its author, Dan Pallotta, is an expert in nonprofit sector innovation and a pioneering entrepreneur.  He is founder of Pallotta TeamWorks, which invented the multi-day AIDSRides and Breast […]

Develop Strategic Thinkers Throughout Your Organization

The Tuesday Reading today is “Develop Strategic Thinkers Throughout Your Organization” by Robert Kabacoff, Vice President of Research at the Management Research Group.  The essay appeared in the HBR Blog earlier this year. Kabacoff begins his essay by noting that multiple studies have shown that “strategic thinkers are found to be among the most highly effective leaders.”  He […]

Every Leader Needs a Challenger in Chief

This week’s Tuesday Reading is Every Leader Needs a Challenger in Chief, an essay, which appeared last fall at bloomberg dot com, by Noreena Hertz.  Hertz is professor of globalization at Rotterdam School om Management, Erasmus University and University College London, and is author of Eyes Wide Open:  How to Make Smart Decisions in a Confusing World. Professor […]

Four Keys to Thinking About the Future

The Tuesday Reading this week is “Four Keys to Thinking About the Future”, an essay by Jeffrey Gedmin that appeared on the Harvard Business School blogs.  Gedmin is President and CEO of the Legatum Institute in London. Prior to joining the Legatum Institute in 2011, he spent four years as President and CEO of Radio […]

Strategy Without Execution 
Is Hallucination!

The Tuesday Reading today, “Strategy Without Execution Is Hallucination!”  has a title that comes from a presentation to a McGill MBA class by Mike Roach, the CEO of CGI, a 31,000 person IT firm.  The essay first appeared in Karl Moore’s Forbes column on Leadership.  The author is Rebecca Black, a McGill graduate and now a […]

Three Leadership Lessons from Sochi: Practice, Practice, Practice

Today’s Tuesday Readng, “Three Leadership Lessons from Sochi:  Practice, Practice, Practice,” appeared in the strategy+business blog.  It comes from the pen of Eric J. McNulty, director of research at the National Preparedness Leadership Institute. No one excels without lots of practice.  Most athletes at the 2014 Olympics have been practicing hours almost every day for […]

6 Management Lessons From Visionary Leaders

Today’s Tuesday Reading, “6 Management Lessons from Visionary Women Leaders,” is from the pen of Lydia Dishman, a business journalist covering innovation, entrepreneurship and style, and appeared recently in FastCompany. Dishman notes that it has been a big year for women in leadership.  In her piece, she focuses on women who have recently become or […]

Doing Less, Leading More

Today’s Tuesday Reading is an essay, “Doing Less, Leading More” by Ed Batista.  The essay recently appeared in the Harvard Business Review’s Blog Network.  Batista is an executive coach and an Instructor at the Stanford Graduate School of Business. He writes regularly on issues related to coaching and professional development at <>. This essay was recently […]

Leadership Lessons from Martin Luther King, Jr.


After Action Reviews

Peter Senge has written that After Action Reviews (AAR), the subject of today’s Tuesday Reading, are “one of the most successful organizational learning methods yet devised.”   AARs were designed by the Army as a tool to be used after a project or major activity has been completed.  It allows employees and leaders to learn what […]

Real Influence – Part 1

I’ve titled this week’s Tuesday Reading “Real Influence” from the title of Mark Goulston and John Ullmen’s book “Real Influence:  Persuade Without Pushing and Gain Without Giving In.”  Goulston is a business psychiatrist, executive coach and cofounder of Heartfelt Leadership.  Ullmen oversees the website and teaches at the UCLA Anderson School of Management.  This reading is […]

I'm Thinking. Please. Be Quiet

Today’s Tuesday Reading is the essay “I’m Thinking.  Please.  Be Quiet.”  which appeared in the August 24, 2013 issue of The New York Times.  George Prochink, the essay’s author, is also author of the forthcoming book, “The Impossible Exile.” Around 1850, philosopher Arthur Schopenhauer, who felt that he had been tortured by noise all his life, […]

World Series MVP David Ortiz's Big, Bold, On-the-fly Leadership Lessons

Leadership lessons continue to flow from the recent worst-to-first Red Sox season.  Here is a great article from Fast Company on David Ortiz and leadership, “World Series MVP David Ortiz’s Big, Bold, On-the-fly Leadership Lessons“. It’s lessons:   1.  Borrow from other industries.  I.e., the huddle. Video of Papi rallies his teammates in dugout   […]

Surprises Are the New Normal; Resilience Is the New Skill

Today’s Tuesday Reading is “Surprises Are the New Normal;  Resilience Is the New Skill,” an essay by Rosabeth Moss Kanter, Ernest L. Arbuckle Professor at the Harvard Business School where she specializes in strategy, innovation, and leadership for change.  The essay appeared in July 2013 in the HBR blog. Kantor introduces the essay with the […]

Keeping Things Simple

Great reminder from Harry Kraemer, professor at Kellogg School of Management, on keeping things simple, shared at MOR’s 2012 conference. Video of Keeping Things Simple  

Bringing in the Lions

We have all had experiences when we’ve been trying to sell a new idea of strategizing as to whether to invite the critics, the naysayers, the we’ve-tried-that-before colleagues, etc. to discussions we are having to explain and explore our idea or whether we should manage attendance at these discussions to only include individuals who are […]

Why Do I Think Better after I Exercise?

Justin Rhodes, associate professor of psychology at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, tells us that excercise can be the answer.  The essay appeared in the Scientific American. Rhodes says that there is a growing body of evidence that suggests that we think and learn better after we exercise.  Part of the reason that cognition […]

Individual Development and Skills for Evolving with the Times

A key theme of the 2013 MOR IT Leaders Conference was that we are entering a time when disruptive change is the norm. Given that change will happen whether one participates or not, those who actively resist it will hinder their organizations’ progress and imperil their careers.  For the conference participants, the message was clear: […]