The Right Response is Not Always Instant
Today’s Reading, “The Right Response is Not Always Instant” , is from the pen of Ron Ashkenas, managing partner of Schaffer Consulting and a co-author of “The GE Work-Out.” His latest book is “Simply Effective.” Too many of the flood of messages we receive each day have an implied, or sometime stated, urgency that suggests, […]
It’s All In The Follow-through
This week’s reading comes from an interview Robert Mcgarvey had with Larry Bossidy that appeared in the July 2003 issue of the AmericanWay – “It’s All In The Follow-through” – about the time Bossidy’s book Execution was published. Of particular attention is the sidebar at the very end of the piece. Bossidy is the former chair of […]
The War on Interruptions
One of the most consistent findings in psychology is that people behave differently when their environment changes. When we are at a place where people are quiet, say a church or a library, we’re quiet; when we are at a sporting event where it’s loud, we’re loud. Why then, when we try to make changes […]
Better Time Management is Not the Answer
For this week’s Tuesday Reading, we turn to a Harvard Business Review blog post by Linda Hill and Kent Lineback “Better Time Management is Not the Answer”. Hill is the Wallace Brett Donham Professof of Business Administration at the Harvard Business School and Lineback has spent many years as a manager and executive in business […]
The 5% Creativity Challenge
Are you up for a challenge? Josh Linkner in a recent Fast Company blog post, “The 5% Creativity Challenge”, challenges each of us to schedule two one-hour thinking sessions each week. Linkner is the author of Disciplined Dreaming – A Proven System to Drive Breakthrough Creativity and CEO and Managing Partner of Detroit Venture Partners. He suggests […]
Take ownership of your meeting experience
The reading today, “Take ownership of your meeting experience”, appeared in the blog and comes from the keyboard of Danuta McCall, a senior member of the team. The reading’s key point is that we, each as individual participants in a meeting, play a role in whether that meeting is successful or not. We do […]
A 90-Minute Plan for Personal Effectiveness
Today’s reading focuses on building a practice to increase your daily personal effectiveness. The IT Leaders Program emphasizes being intentional and planful with the use of your time. Specifically, we’ve suggested identifying and formally setting aside regular times to plan your week/day. For example, you might schedule time Sunday evening or on Monday morning to […]
The Simplex Process – A Robust Creative Problem-Solving Process
To some extent, and more so for some than others, we are all problem solvers. Most of the time we use ad hoc, informal, personal processes to solve problems. And, these often work at the “good enough” level. However, sometimes we miss good solutions, and even fail to identify the problem correctly in the first […]
Virtual Meetings Are Like Broccoli: 8 Tips for Better Virtual Project Meetings
Wayne Turmel, writer, speaker, president of, begins today’s reading, “Virtual Meetings Are Like Broccoli” <>, by saying “Running good meetings for remote teams is like eating our vegetables: we know we should do it, we know how to do it, it’s critical to our health in the long run, and we rationalize our way […]
Go Broad Before You Go Deep
Have you ever been in a meeting to make a decision and before the context can be outlined, a few meeting participants have taken over and are going deeper and deeper into a solution based on a suggestion of one of the individuals? Today’s reading, ”Go Broad Before You Go Deep,“ from Roger Schwarz’s Fundamental […]
If You’re the Boss, Start Killing More Good Ideas
Six months ago, Robert Sutton, Professor of Management Science at Stanford University and author of a new book, Good Boss, Bad Boss, had a blog entry “12 Things Good Bosses Believe. ” You can find that entry at <>. Today’s Tuesday Reading is Sutton’s effort to delve into one of these issues: “If You’re the Boss, Start […]
The Four Capacities Every Great leader Needs (and Very Few Have)
Today’s reading is “The Four Capacities Every Great Leader Needs (and Very Few Have)” <> by Tony Schwartz, CEO of The Energy Project, a company that helps individuals and organizations fuel energy, engagement, focus, and productivity by harnessing the science of high performance. This entry appeared in FastCompany’s Expert Blog on October 15, 2010. (It […]
Getting to the Heart of a Disagreement – and Resolving It
Today’s reading, “Getting to the Heart of a Disagreement – and Resolving It,” is from Roger Schwarz’s Fundamental Change Newsletter and is found below. Disagreements are natural and inevitable, and their resolution is often crucial to moving forward. So, how do you resolve them? Do you focus on developing common ground? Do you try to minimize the differences? Do […]
Six Ways to Supercharge Your Productivity
Tony Schwarts, CEO of the Energy Project, says a lot in this short piece “Six Ways to Supercharge Your Productivity”. His key point is that as a result of the digital demands of the world we now inhabit, we are in danger of undertaking more and more tasks and creating less and less real value. He […]
Leaders Develop Daily, Not in a Day
I came across today’s reading, “Leaders Develop Daily, Not in a Day“, last week in John Maxwell’s GIANT Impact newsletter. Maxwell is an internationally know writer — over 19 million books sold — and speaker on leadership. His’s thesis in this piece is very straightforward: “Unless we set aside time to grow into the person […]
The Importance of Connecting with Colleagues
Today’s reading is about a particular form of relationships called “clicking,” the phenomenon of rapidly connecting with another person, either in the work environment or in our personal lives. The article “The Importance of Connecting with Colleagues” is a discussion by Ori Brafman and Rom Brafman of their new book “Click: The Magic of Instant Connections.” “Click” is […]
Need Stress Relief? Try the Four A’s.
The Leaders Program workshops have introduced all of you to the 4 I’s at one time or another. Today’s reading introduces you to the four A’s, strategies from the Mayo Clinic staff – ”Need Stress Relief? Try the Four A’s”– for coping with stress: avoid, alter, accept, and adapt. Since the early August incident between a […]
How To Run a Meeting
This week’s Tuesday Reading comes via Jim Hall’s blog <>. Jim is an ITLP alumnus and is currently campus IT Director at the University of Minnesota Morris. The Chronicle of Higher Education ran an article a few weeks ago, How to Run a Meeting <> by Gary A. Olson, provost and vice president for academic affairs […]
In today’s readings “Why Brainstorming Doesn’t Work”and “Better Brainstorming: 4 Ways to Generate Great Ideas“, Margaret Heffernan reminds us of several shortcomings in our brainstorming practices and suggests improvements. Heffernan is visiting professor of entrepreneurship at Simmons College in Boston, CEO, author, and speaker. Referencing work by Nicholas Kahn and Steven Smith <>, she notes […]
Back from a vacation?
In today’s reading “Back from a vacation?”, David Rock, founder of the NeuroLeadership Institute and CDO of Results Coaching Systems, reports on research indicating that we are more likely to solve really difficult problems when we have a fresh or quiet mind. Specifically the research points out that when faced with a new problem we […]