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MOR Associates


Take a Leap!

February 29 – it’s a whole extra day – how will you be intentional and strategic in spending it?

Getting Back to “Normal”

What happens when we return to work and haven’t kept up with our habits? Get back to normal as quickly as you can. This was challenging.

Developing a Leadership Community

What transforms a group unfamiliar with each other into an inclusive, close-knit cohort that genuinely wants to help one another grow?

Stackable Habits

One of my favorite times is the first few days of January; there is hope for a new year, with lots of potential.

Leadership – The Awakening Seed of Transformation

Let me tell you a story. As a young person and well into my teens, I was severely introverted. I was afraid of my own shadow…until that day.

Got Confidence?

For many, a common factor contributing to the imposter phenomenon is a lack of confidence. The belief in yourself. The belief that you can succeed.

My Struggle With Impostorism

I feel like an imposter at times. I identify with two types: perfectionism and expertise. What if I make a mistake? What if don’t know the answer?

I Resolve in 2024

It’s two days into 2024 and most of us who made New Year’s resolutions still remember them. Some 45% of Americans typically make New Year’s resolutions with 9% of them achieving their goals.

Leadership in the Spotlight

In the musical Hamilton, two of the main characters are similarly ambitious, but each utilize their own favorite strategy to achieve their goals.

Leading with Accountability

If you want people to lead from all levels of the organization, you have to be relentlessly accountable to them.