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Conserving Willpower is Not Easy

It is hard for me to keep a New Year’s Resolution. Why is that? We have a limited supply of willpower and need to best use it.

The In-Between or Transition Time

I have been thinking about the space in between change; that transition time from the “old” to the “new.” It could be from setting a goal or practicing a new habit.

Use Intention to Drive Ongoing Professional Development

I reflected on my graduation from the MOR program and wondered how to keep that energy going? What are some specific things you can start doing today.

Leading From Wherever You Are

At first, the prospect of leaving management was concerning. What would it mean for my career prospects? What would happen to my current team?
The Biggest Change I Ever Managed: A Cultural Tale

The Biggest Change I Ever Managed: A Cultural Tale

The Biggest Change I Ever Managed: A Cultural Tale [Today’s Tuesday Reading is from Susan Foster, IT Business Manager at Bowdoin College. She is a MOR program alum.  Susan may be reached at [email protected] or via LinkedIn.]   One sunny afternoon, during an average week, while doing average daily business, I got a call from my […]
Worst in Class

Worst in Class

I started wall climbing. I was surrounded by people far better me. I was the worst in the class. This was the perfect place.
Developing Resilience

Developing Resilience

Resilience provides confidence to step up and lead. Resilient leaders are able to overcome setbacks and help others overcome their setbacks.
Building Leadership Communities

Building Leadership Communities

[Today’s Tuesday Reading is from Brian McDonald, President of MOR Associates.  Brian may be reached at [email protected].]   Just imagine if all the people who have been through a MOR leadership experience within your university could form a cohesive community of change agents who collaborate to propel the initiatives needed to make transformational progress versus incremental. […]
Consistency Beats Intensity

Consistency Beats Intensity

[Today’s Tuesday Reading is from Marcia Dority Baker, Leadership Coach at MOR Associates.  Marcia may be reached at [email protected].]   “Success doesn’t come from what you do occasionally, it comes from what you do consistently.” Marie Forleo   Have you noticed where we are in the calendar? It’s almost halfway through 2022, and the cusp […]
Evolution and Revolution in Leadership Journeys

Evolution and Revolution in Leadership Journeys

[Today’s Tuesday Reading is from Michael Humphrys, Director of IT Strategy & Innovation, Harvard University’s John F. Kennedy School of Government. It is a reflection on what he is learning as a current MOR program participant.  Michael may be reached at [email protected].]   Of the many lessons learned through my MOR experience, one that has […]
Four Program Reflections

Four Program Reflections

This week we’re going to do something different and start with the results of last week’s survey.   From Last Week  Last week, we asked: Which of these practices is most important to you? 41% said building relationships 27% said weekly planning 19% said owning your calendar / defensive calendaring 13% said delegating whenever possible […]

When "good enough" is both "good" & "enough"

[Today’s Tuesday Reading is from Amanda Sarratore, IT Director, Academic IT Services at the University of Notre Dame. She is a MOR alum. Amanda may be reached at [email protected].]   I find joy in working with my partner areas to build relationships, and I am grateful for my position. I feel lucky that most days, […]

Molding Consensus through Relationships

[Today’s Tuesday Reading is from Roger Weisenberg, Director of Financial Technology, Office of Finance and Treasury, Princeton University.  He is a current MOR program participant.  Roger may be reached at [email protected].]   As we concluded our MOR Advanced Leaders workshop on influence last week, I found it interesting and appropriate that the timing of this […]

Oh No, Not 2021 All Over Again

[Today’s Tuesday Reading is from Brian McDonald, President of MOR Associates.  Brian may be reached at [email protected].] Back in December the theme for this article was going to be envisioning your future. The idea was to offer a simple yet powerful exercise proposing you sketch out your desired future state for the year ahead. The […]

Beware the Sabertooth Project

[Today’s Tuesday Reading is from Eva Dale, Web Services Director for the College of Arts and Sciences at The Ohio State University.  She is a BTAA MOR alum.  Eva may be reached at [email protected].]   We human beings are funny creatures. In prehistoric days, if there was a scary shadow in the distance then it […]

Thriving as a leader in hybrid

[Today’s Tuesday Reading is from Justin Sipher, Program Leader, Leadership Coach and Consultant at MOR Associates.  Justin may be reached at [email protected].]   Here we stand, November 2021, twenty plus months into the global pandemic that has altered so many aspects of our lives and work.  Higher education has been forced to rethink many long-held […]

Are you too busy to read this post?

[Today’s Tuesday Reading is from Peggy Huston, Leadership Coach at MOR Associates.  Peggy may be reached at [email protected].]   Are you busy?  I’m busy.  It seems like many of us are busy.  It seems that we are so busy at times that we don’t have time to plan where we are going, but we sure are […]

How Much Untapped Potential Do People Have?

[Today’s Tuesday Reading is from Brian McDonald, President of MOR Associates.  Brian may be reached at [email protected].] How much potential do people have and how can we encourage or engage them to explore the answer to this question?   The same question applies to each of us as well. How much potential do you have […]

Going Back to the Office … Well, Maybe

Going Back to the Office … Well, Maybe [Jim Bruce is a Senior Fellow and Executive Coach at MOR Associates.  He previously was Professor of Electrical Engineering, and Vice President for Information Systems and CIO at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA.]   This week I build on last week’s essay and turn to […]

COVID–19 … It’s here and may be staying longer than we expect

[Jim Bruce is a Senior Fellow and Executive Coach at MOR Associates.  He previously was Professor of Electrical Engineering, and Vice President for Information Systems and CIO at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA.]   When I began several months ago to think about a Tuesday Reading on this subject, COVID-19 seemed to be […]