The Hiring Manager Interviews: Harvard Business School's CIO Builds Trust and Respect Among His IT Staff by Involving Them in His Hiring Process
Today’s reading is “The Hiring Manager Interviews: Harvard Business School’s CIO Builds Trust and Respect Among His IT Staff by Involving Them in His Hiring Process” which you can find at <>. Here, Amanda Brady, associate director of executive search firm The Alexander Group, reports on a recent discussion with Stephen Laster, CIO at the […]
Too Few Manners at Work
Early last month, I was talking with with a businessman who is now the president of a small college in New York. In the course of our conversation, he noted how rude his faculty were to one another. I couldn’t help reflecting on the rudeness I had observed among IT staff members during my two decades […]
True Leaders Must "Walk the Floor"
Several weeks ago I was pointed to UBS’s Knowledge Center and a short piece True Leaders Must “Walk the Floor.” This piece reinforces the importance of communicating with staff. It notes that many leaders have found that interacting with their staff by walking around can build relationships, help staff understand their leader’s goals, and provide […]
Seven Strategies for Attracting and Retaining Top IT Talent
Today’s reading, Seven Strategies for Attracting and Retaining Top IT Talent, which comes from the January 4, 2007 issue of CIO, is just as applicable to other fields as it is to IT. Business 2.0 reports what seems to be an amazing data point: For every two baby boomers who retire in the next […]
Workplace Barn Raisings
Today’s two-part reading takes the once-common practice of communal barn-raising where everyone in a community worked together to benefit a single farm family. Given the right task, good planning and organization you may find a community approach gets the right result and has the benefit of generating new relationships that represent a real added value. […]
We Are All People
Most of the time we interact with others — fellow members of a team, colleagues assembled for a particular issue, individuals we meet by happenstance — to get work done. In “We Are All People,” Rick Brenner of Chaco Canyon Consulting reminds us that we are all people, different people, and that we have one common […]
Short Pieces on Trust
Most of us, I suspect, don’t pay much attention to “trust” until we get smacked in the face because there is an absence of trust and that absence of trust is stopping progress towards our goal dead in its tracks. Rick Brenner, in two April issues of his newsletter Point Lookout focuses on the costs […]
The IT Profession in the Year 2010
In a pieces spread over three issues beginning in late January NetworkWorld discusses the IT profession in the year 2010 Based upon Gartner report, the articles suggest that “technical aptitude alone will no longer be enough”, IT leaders will need to possess expertise in multiple […]
Emails Hurt Our IQ
A West Coast colleague passed this URl along earlier today A concrete, perhaps, result about the impact of letting yourself be interrupted throughout the day. And, an interesting comparison with which to end the week. Have a great weekend……….jim