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Breaking the Busyness Cycle

I tend to say “yes” to everything. There are many reasons. For a long time, this served me well enough, but it all became too much.

Advice from 2023 Commencement Speeches

It’s graduation time. I’ve “mined” graduation speeches for “golden nuggets” as we each take stock of where we are on our own journey.
So what's possible for you?

So what's possible for you?

[Today’s Tuesday Reading is from Brian McDonald, President of MOR Associates.  Brian may be reached at [email protected] or via LinkedIn.]   We hope you had a wonderful holiday, a chance to disconnect as well as time to rest and renew.   With the onset of 2023 we would propose you take some time and project […]

The Leadership Journey Update

In a recent survey 125 alumni from across MOR’s leadership development programs were asked to identify areas of their ongoing development that they had a good handle on and also areas they need to focus on improving.  Alumni were first asked how invested are they currently in their ongoing development: 78% were very invested 21% […]

2016 MOR Leaders Conference Opening Video

2016 MOR Leaders Conference Opening Video.  Slide show, with MOR mantras and recognition of participating institutions. Video of 2016 MOR Leaders Conference – Opening Video  

Reflecting On What Is Working

Monday, January 25, 2016. I hope everyone had a good weekend.  I, like the rest of the Maryland cohort, spent a good part of the weekend shoveling snow and digging out from the ~30 inches of snow that fell from late Friday and most of Saturday.  And then digging out again once the wind had settled down and the […]

Feedback Is The Gift That Keeps Giving

My reflection is around a change in behavior and stretching out of my comfort zone.  Feedback is truly the gift that keeps giving.  I was given an opportunity to apply what I had learned shortly after MOR Session 1 (ready or not).  This opportunity presented itself the day after I returned to the office in […]

Worth Repeating

The August 25, 2015 Tuesday Reading When Your Whisper Is Heard As A Shout

The Answer Is In The Room

It’s been a couple of weeks since we were all together in Bloomington and my how the time has flown by.  Having had some time to digest all that we shared and learned, I still have a sense of inspiration and motivation that I hope will continue to carry on into the coming months.  I […]

Questioning Questioning

When discussing leadership we tend to focus on good leadership practices. While this is important, I personally have learned a lot over the years by observing bad leadership practices which I then actively avoid. The recent MOR Tuesday Readings on asking questions made me remember one of these examples of bad leadership, which I call: […]