Emotional Intelligence
Get Grittier
I’ve written before on grit (see here), about having stamina, about sticking with what you’ve chosen or been led to do, your future, day in, day out, not just for a week, nor for a month, but for years, working really hard to make that future a reality. Grit is a marathon, not a sprint. […]
The Importance of Trust
Last week, during the closing session’s CIO Panel at one of the MOR Leaders Programs, every CIO on the panel commented on the importance of trust. Earlier in the session in a similar vein, I had noted that followers want leaders who are credible, trustworthy, leaders who do what they say they will do. Max […]
A Practice for the End of Your Workday
From time to time in the Tuesday Readings, we have talked about practices, small habits, that we can use regularly in our day-to-day activities to improve our outcomes. For example, past Tuesday Readings have focused on practices (“The Meeting Is Over …” – January 31, 2017, “Resilience” – February 10, 2017, “Questions” – February 27, 2017, […]
Set Your Mood for the Day
A different kind of morning ritual Google “morning ritual” and you’ll find hundreds of suggested rituals. Some are focused on the time before you begin your workday, others have elements for how you structure your day, still others for dealing with particular types of events in your day, etc. One I found that particularly caught […]
Our Busy, Busy, Busy Brains!
My two grandfathers lived in a very small East Texas town, perhaps several hundred houses in town and the neighboring countryside. One grandfather was a railroad section foreman, the other a subsistence farmer. Both worked hard with their hands. While they certainly used their brains in their work, the demand they placed on their brains […]
It Began with Curiosity
Today’s Tuesday Reading, It Began with Curiosity, is an essay by Jill Purdy, Director of Finance at the University of Nebraska-Kearney. [She may be reached at [email protected].]Her essay first appeared as a program reflection earlier this year. When my father had a heart attack five years ago, he was flown to Sanford Heart Institute in Sioux […]
I Resolve to …… YES, Again
Six months ago, at the beginning of the New Year, the first Tuesday Reading, I Resolve To …, focused on New Year’s Resolutions. This has been my custom. In that essay, I referenced research reporting that though 57% of the individuals surveyed were confident that they would be successful in achieving their goals, only 12% actually […]
Problem Solving
We are born problem solvers! From the moment you wake in the morning until you are fast asleep at night, you are at the ready, just waiting for the next problem to arise. Now, some of the problems are simple and repetitive, like, for example, what do I do when the alarm goes off signaling […]
Slow Down!
Today’s Tuesday Reading, Slow Down, is an essay by Jason Murray, Network Architect at the Washington University in St. Louis. [He may be reached at [email protected].]His essay first appeared as a program reflection earlier this year.“Life moves pretty fast. If you don’t stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it.” — […]
Stop it! It simply isn’t good for you. In last week’s Tuesday Reading, Busyness as a Proxy for Productivity, Shane Anderson, talked about his multitasking in meetings in order to meet deadlines and complete his work. He discovered, when he stopped multitasking, that there was a lot of important content in the meetings that he simply […]