
Leading Through Lifting
[Today’s Tuesday Reading is from Mark Askren, MOR Associates Leadership Coach, and former Vice President for IT at the University of Nebraska. Mark may be reached at [email protected].] As leaders, we’re always on stage. Our staff, colleagues, campus stakeholders, clients, and the people we report to are paying attention to our work behaviors. What we […]

I Am Talking To You
[Today’s Tuesday Reading is from Steve Martino, Customer Success Manager at Cohesity. He is a MOR alum. Steve may be reached at [email protected].] There were messages early in my life that held me back from reaching my potential personally and in my career. From my mom: “Why are you stressing yourself out […]

When is feedback a gift?
[Today’s Tuesday Reading is from Vijay Menta, CIO of Middlebury College. Vijay may be reached at [email protected].] MOR has taught many important leadership lessons that are often repeated by many of us and sometimes used as a mantra in our everyday conversation. One that is often repeated: feedback is a gift. While I firmly […]
Alumni Reflections on valuing the gifts of others
[Today’s Tuesday Reading is by Dr. David Sweetman, MOR Associates Leadership Coach and Consultant. David may be reached at [email protected].] Given the positive feedback we received from our Tuesday Reading a few weeks ago that featured the perspectives of multiple MOR alums, we plan to include that style as part of our ongoing program […]
Can I offer you some feedback?
[This reading is from Dr. Julie A. Traxler, Associate Dean for the School of Environmental and Biological Sciences at Rutgers University. She is a recent MOR program alum. Julie may be reached at [email protected].] During our MOR sessions, I could see us collectively cringe, but we began slowly to get more comfortable (or maybe a […]

We heard your feedback + growth
We heard your feedback + growth [Today’s Tuesday Reading is by Dr. David Sweetman, MOR Associates Leadership Coach and Consultant. David may be reached at [email protected].] How our world has changed in the past three months! We at MOR, like the rest of the world, have been working diligently and thinking strategically in adapting to our […]

Tuesday Reading feedback analysis
[This analysis is by Dr. David Sweetman, MOR Associates Leadership Coach and Consultant. David may be reached at [email protected].] In February, 2020, we sought feedback from the audience of MOR Tuesday Readings. It was a time of transition as Jim Bruce began to lessen the frequency of his Tuesday Reading contributions. True to MOR form, […]

New roles and your feedback on [Tuesday Reading] please
New roles and your feedback on [Tuesday Reading] please [Today’s Tuesday Reading is by Dr. David Sweetman, MOR Associates Leadership Coach and Consultant. David will be facilitating Tuesday Readings moving forward. David may be reached at [email protected]] Have you recently taken on a new role? Can you recall the last time you did? If you’re […]

Just How Does One Listen?
“Humble listening” is among the top four characteristics of leader.1 — Jeff Immelt, Former Chairman and CEO, GE. “If there is any one secret of success, it lies in the ability to get the other person’s point of view and see things from that person’s angle as well as from your own.”2,3 — Henry Ford. “To […]

Help You, Help Me
Today’s Tuesday Reading is an essay by Dave Acheson, Network Operations, Information Systems and Technology, Chapman University. His essay first appeared as a leaders program reflection earlier this year. [Dave may be reached at <[email protected]>.] Since my MOR Associates Leaders Program came to an end, I have struggled to continue the strides I felt […]

Asking more Questions
– Upping your game In last week’s Tuesday Reading, Questions: How many have you asked today, we argued that the practice of asking questions is more important than any one of the answers we may be given, as asking builds our knowledge, teaches us about people, engages others, communicates value, sets an example, and develops […]

Commitment Bias
… Sometimes it is actually better to stop, and not finish. Really? Ever get to a point in a project where the need for the result goes away AND you continue to work anyway. Or, you’ve failed to reach a public goal you’ve set and concluded that you will not be able to reach the […]

Learn to Express Your Gratitude
Day after tomorrow, the fourth Thursday of November, will be celebrated as Thanksgiving Day in the United States. A day set apart for giving thanks in the United States, has been celebrated most years since the first colonization of our country. Beginning in 1941, Thanksgiving has been celebrated on the fourth Thursday in November. […]

Over the past year, I have written on many topics, but never on courage. I’m prompted to do so now by a Time Magazine article “America’s Reigning Expert on Feelings, Brené Brown Now Takes on Leadership,”1 which follows the recent publication of Brown’s fifth major book, Dare to Lead: Brave Work. Tough Conversations. Whole Hearts.2 Fundamentally, the book […]

Tell Those Negative Voices in Your Head to Be QUIET!
There is nothing particularly special about hearing negative voices in your head. I suspect that most of us have, at one time or another. Some of us may even hear these voices frequently. And, some of these voices may be so strident as to lead one to disbelieve the credibility of any successes that she […]

Good Questions
“True wisdom comes from asking the right questions.” Clayton Christensen Two weeks ago, the Tuesday Reading focused on some particularly insightful remarks made by a number of this year’s commencement speakers. Now, whenever you select a very small number of speakers, in this case only nine, from a very large […]

I Just Received a Compliment
… How do I respond? Compliments are a good thing, right? Everyone likes to be recognized for a job well done. Especially from someone whose work you admire. They are a special form of positive feedback. However, many of us find accepting a compliment with grace to be a major challenge. Too often, our […]

Words Count
Daniela Aivazian is the author of today’s Tuesday Reading. She is an Organizational Effectiveness Specialist in Stanford University’s University IT organization. Her essay first appeared as a leadership program reflection earlier this year. [Dani may be reached at [email protected].] In my second IT Leaders workshop, my coach said something that stopped me in my tracks. “Words matter,” […]