
MOR Creates Ripple Effects in One’s Life…
[Today’s Tuesday Reading is from Marcia Dority Baker, Leadership Coach at MOR Associates. Marcia may be reached at [email protected] or via LinkedIn. Editorial Note: This is the last Tuesday Reading of 2022. The next Tuesday Reading will be in January. ] “You want to be the pebble in the pond that creates the ripples […]

Leaders on Stage: 7 Dimensions of a Successful Production
[Today’s Tuesday Reading is from Vijay Menta, CIO of Middlebury College. Vijay may be reached at [email protected].] We all have heard that leaders are always on the stage. Leaders need to be aware that they are always being watched. It is not at all easy for a leader to be on stage and be in […]

Leadership Pilgrimage
[Today’s Tuesday Reading is from Bill Wrobleski. Bill is currently on a trail somewhere in rural France. Need to find him? Check or email him at [email protected].] Tomorrow, I head out on a 1,000-mile pilgrimage across France and Spain. For over seventy-days, I’ll be walking the Camino de Santiago, a series of well-worn trails […]

Getting the most out of 1:1s
[Today’s Tuesday Reading is from Molly Sharp, Service Management Programs Director at Stanford University. It is a reflection on what she is learning as a current MOR program participant. Molly may be reached at [email protected].] Over the months since I began the MOR program, I’ve been evolving my thinking about the purpose of the […]

The Paradox of Presence
The Paradox of Presence [Today’s Tuesday Reading is from Mark N. Goedert, Director of IT Planning & Strategy, University of Illinois Chicago. It is a reflection on what he is learning as a current MOR program participant. Mark may be reached at [email protected].] My MOR leadership journey is very much like a puzzle. The first […]

Being truly present is the best present a leader can give
[Today’s Tuesday Reading is from Justin Sipher, Program Leader, Leadership Coach and Consultant at MOR Associates. Justin may be reached at [email protected].] Our lives, modern technology, pervasive connectivity, and even our culture lead us towards attempting to perpetually multi-task. I have certainly been guilty of this personally and professionally. However, we are not always […]

Believe [Today’s Tuesday Reading is written in remembrance of Rick Fredericks and is written by Sean McDonald, Vice-President of MOR Associates. Sean may be reached at [email protected]. Editorial Note: This is the last Tuesday Reading of 2021. The next Tuesday Reading will be in January.] It is a great time of year for believing. Believing is […]

Don’t be a Stranger to Yourself
[Today’s Tuesday Reading is from Ron Kraemer. He is currently retired. Ron previously was Vice President for Information Technology and CIO at the University of Notre Dame. Ron may be reached at [email protected].] A few months ago, I was doing some research concerning distinction in leadership. I scoured dozens of leadership websites, read a […]

Reflecting on our Assumptions
[Today’s Tuesday Reading is from Jacqueline McKethan, Information Security Specialist at Southern Methodist University. She is a MOR alum. Jacqueline may be reached at [email protected].] The start of the fall semester is one of the busiest times of the year for many of us. As we embark on a unique fall semester, the idea of […]

It’s a(nother) new academic year
It’s mid-August and many of us are deep in preparation for the start of the new academic year ahead, one that is quite different from the fall semester of 2020 as well as different from the fall semester of 2019. The last 18 months have been filled with anxiety, change, and many challenges. This has […]

Hybrid Meetings: 8 Steps to Success
Hybrid Meetings: 8 Steps to Success [Today’s Tuesday Reading is from Rachel Napoli, Chief of Staff in the Office of the CIO at the University of Iowa. She is a MOR alum. Rachel may be reached at [email protected].] Our future workforce will be a mix of co-located and remote workers. If meetings are hybrid, […]

5As – Our presence matters when virtual
5As – Our presence matters when virtual [Today’s Tuesday Reading is from Justin Sipher, Program Leader, Leadership Coach and Consultant at MOR Associates. Justin may be reached at [email protected].] Many of us have just passed the one-year anniversary of when we transitioned from working in and around our colleagues and the community we […]

Finding Your Voice in the Virtual Workplace
[Today’s Tuesday Reading is from Laura Patterson, Leadership Coach and Consultant at MOR Associates. She previously was CIO at the University of Michigan. Laura may be reached at [email protected].] There is little doubt that the COVID-19 pandemic and the experiences of the past year are going to have a long term impact on higher […]

Lessons from My Leadership Journey: Better Late Than Never, Practices I Wish I’d Adopted Sooner
[Today’s Tuesday Reading is from Bill Hogue, MOR Associates Leadership Coach, Former CIO at University of South Carolina. Bill may be reached at [email protected].] I’ve said more than once that I’d have been a better CIO if I had participated in a MOR leadership program along the way. I’ve had plenty of experience in […]

Managing Stress is Within Your Control
[Today’s Tuesday Reading is from Lori Green, Program Leader and Leadership Coach at MOR Associates. Lori may be reached at [email protected].] As a leadership coach I have witnessed the stress levels of IT professionals increase in the past year due to adapting to changes, such as remote work, preparing campus for fall instruction, teaching their […]

The Patient Leader
[Today’s Tuesday Reading is from Jim Bruce, Senior Fellow and Executive Coach at MOR Associates. He previously served as Professor of Electrical Engineering, and Vice President for Information Systems and CIO at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA. Jim may be reached at [email protected].] Professor Manifred de Vires1, INSEAD Distinguished Clinical Professor of Leadership […]

Purpose and Connection in the Pandemic
Purpose and Connection in the Pandemic [Today’s Tuesday Reading is from Latha Nagarajan, Salesforce Business Partner, Stanford University. She is a recent MOR program alum. Latha may be reached at [email protected].] Remember that wherever your heart is, there you will find your treasure. – Paul Coelho In the great fiction classic, The Alchemist, author Paulo […]