Managing Pressure
We all experience pressure, almost daily. Sometimes the pressure is generated by the schedule and expectations we set for ourselves; sometimes from the expectations others place on us. Rick Brenner’s Chaco Canyon had three (short) columns last December that focused on several aspects of pressure associated with projects: Communications and Expectations <> The Unexpected <> […]
The Hunch Engine
Today, we welcome the participants in Group VI of the IT Leaders Program who are starting their first workshop. Welcome to the Tuesday Readings, gleanings from my readings that I hope you might find interesting, provocative, and otherwise useful. Today’s reading is a review of Eric Bonabeau’s “Hunch Engine” which appeared in a recent Technology […]
"Why it pays to invest in bosses who blame themselves"
In the April 1, 2006 issue of Business 2.0, Jeffrey Pfeffer, Professor of Organizational Behavior at Stanford’s Graduate School of Business, argues that it pays to invest in leaders who blame themselves when things go wrong. His focus is on CEOs and he uses the metric of stock prices in his argument. However, the […]
Ten Tactics for Tough Times
I really enjoy reading Rick Brenner who writes the email newsletter from Chaco Canyon Consulting. The last two issues of the newsletter has focused on tactics for tough times: In these two pieces Rick focuses on problem solving: – What problem as I […]

Recovering Time
In the February 23rd and the March 16th issues of the Point Lookout email newsletter, Rich Brenner and the staff at Chaco Canyon Consulting <> present two helpful pieces on “Recovering Time.” Given that all of us scramble to find more time for our work, I thought that I would share their ideas with you. […]