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’I Don’t Have Time’ and Other Excuses Managers Give for Not Coaching

| July 5, 2011

by Jim Bruce

John Baldoni is an internationally known leadership educator, coach, author, and speaker.  Today’s reading, a recent BNET blog post, is “’I Don’t Have Time’ and Other Excuses Managers Give for Not Coaching” and can be found at <>.

Baldoni notes that most leaders know that coaching is part of their job.  And, companies that have strong leadership cultures develop people at every level.  Yet many leaders ignore this part of their responsibilities.  Their bose doesn’t insist on it;  they find the idea uncomfortable, particularly when correction is necessary;  and they make excuses.

Baldoni’s list of the most common excuses he’s heard include:

1.  I don’t like getting personal with my employees.  Coaching is a conversation about performance in the workplace, not an employee’s personal life.

2.  I am a manager, not a therapist.  Coaching is not therapy.  If there is an issue requiring therapy, work with HR to assist the employee in finding appropriate help.

3.  I don’t have time.  The leader’s job is to deliver the right results on time, every time.  That only happens if you find and develop the right people for the job.

4.  I don’t like to dwell on negatives.  So, you’d rather be comfortable than have a staff that works as a team and delivers first class results.

5.  I don’t want my people feeling too secure about their jobs.  Exit interviews show that employees leave because they believe they are not valued.  Coaching is one way to show a person that you value him or her.

Are you coaching your staff?  If not, why not?  What’s your excuse?  As a leader, this is something that you really need to make a practice.  Why not begin today.


Have a great week.  .  .  .     jim