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Reorientation + Renewal = Revitalization

| December 15, 2009

by Jim Bruce

For over two decades William Bridges has helped organizations and individuals deal more effectively with change.  Today’s Tuesday Reading is a short piece by Bridges – “Reorientation + Renewal = Revitalization” <> (download) – which focuses on how to revitalize a team after it goes through a difficult time of change.

Bridges focuses on teams which fall into any one of three natural groupings-

1.  A team that is not able to let go the past.

2.  A team that is stuck somewhere between the old way and the new.

3.  A team that is having trouble getting the new way launched.

– and provides solid advice on revitalizing teams that find themselves in each of these situations.

If your team or organization is stuck in any of these situations, this article is a must read.  Its advice is solid.


Have a great week as this holiday season approaches.  .  .  .   jim