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Saying Something Important? Three Questions to Ask Yourself First

| August 14, 2007

by Jim Bruce

John Baldoni  is one of my favorite writers.  In today’s reading “Saying Something Important?  Three Questions to Ask Yourself First” which you will find at      <>  he reminds us that “its not what you say, it’s what people hear.”  In the piece, he quotes Frank Luntz, pollster, commentator, and author:  “The onus of understanding falls on the communicator, not the listener.”  

Baldoni then goes on to suggest three questions that will help you make communication a priority and sharpen your messages so that they are clear:

1.  What have you got to say (and why)?

2.  What does your audience expect?

3.  How will you reconcile the differences?

He then goes on with several suggestions – don’t speak down to your audience, say what needs to be done and ask them to do it, and wrap your message in a story.

Have a great week.  .  .  .  .     jim