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Thank You for Doing Your Job

| February 22, 2011

by Jim Bruce

In today’s reading “Thank You for Doing Your Job“, Whitney Johnson argues the value of saying thank you for routine work that contributes to the organization’s well being.

Today, there is too little praise or appreciation voiced in our work environments.  In fact, I remember an organization that almost prided itself in being a “praise-free” zone.  Yet genuine gratitude goes a long way to engage people and bind them together, to say nothing about strengthening an building relationships.

So, my challenge to you:  Every day find at least one opportunity to express appreciation particularly for ordinary things done well that make you, your team, your organization work extremely well.  Be specific.  Explain what was done and the impact that it has.  And, as Tom Peters wrote:  “It takes more time, but one at a time, 15-second praising is 10X more valuable that a group ‘way to go, gang’.”


Have a great week.  .  .  .     jim