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The Leader of the Future

| July 15, 2008

by Jim Bruce

We all remember Ron Heifetz from the first day of the IT Leaders Program.  There we learned about “adaptive leadership,” “giving work back to the workers,” and about “getting up on the balcony.”

Today’s reading “The Leader of the Future” reports on a series of 2007 conversations that William Taylor, a founding editor of Fast Company, had with Heifetz.  In the conversations, Heifetz offered ideas, advice, and techniques for leaders of the future.  The conversations are structured around four topics:

  • How Leaders See

  • How Leaders Listen

  • How Leaders Fail

  • How Leaders Stay Alive

The piece is somewhat longer than the typical Tuesday Reading so you may want to work through it a topic at a time.  When you finish, I’m sure that you will agree that there is a lot of very good advice packed in the piece.

Heifetz’s parting advice:  “There are lots of things in life that are worth the pain.  Being a leader is one of them.”


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