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How to Write a Mission Statement That Isn’t Dumb

| November 24, 2009

by Jim Bruce

Nancy Lublin, CEO of Do Something, is the author of this week’s Tuesday Reading, “How to Write a Mission Statement That Isn’t Dumb”.  Her article appears in the December 1, 2009 issue of FastCompany.

Lublin argues that our mission statements don’t have to be dumb, that is, neither clear nor useful.  They should, she continues, “convey clearly what the work unit is trying to do.”  The concept of BHAG – a big, hairy, audacious goal – introduced by Jim Collins and Jerry Porras – provides a good model:  a unifying focal point plus a clear measure of what constitutes success.’s BHAG for the Kindle is a great example:  “Every book, ever printed, in any language, all available in less that 60 seconds.”

So, my challenge to you:   Write a mission statement – for yourself, for your team, for … – with a goal that’s an action that is quantifiable.  Reflect on what you’ve written, on your ambitions.  Rewrite until it reflects the difference you want to make.

Thanksgiving Day is later this week.  All of us associated with the Leaders Programs have much to be thankful for this year including our opportunities to work with you as you continue your leadership journeys.


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